Thread: Hi~!
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Old 01-28-2014, 05:48 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Thanks! I've been working with the basics what feels like my whole life. (My first website was a Pokemon site in 3rd grade, ehehehe. I remember my mother hated the idea of me having it because the internet was, and always has been, an unsafe place for children at large.)

But, to be honest, the deep code in the Mysidia script is really, really making me scratch my head. I'm not used to Smarty templating and working with such strict functions. It looks really secure, but I'm at a loss with how to work with it in most places. Trying to figure out how things are directly rendered to html is making me all .

For example, I'd love to mess around with the registration script, and add in ajax verification to directly check if a username has been taken or not (before the form has even been submitted), etc. I know how, and I've built frameworks myself and gotten that to work. (As well as other 'live' verifications during the registration process, such as going 'hey that doesn't look like a real email address' or 'your password requires a number'.) I can totally implement it......... but I'm afraid I might have to build an entirely new form, if I can't figure out how the html is currently being rendered so I can add in necessary classes and blank labels to be dynamically filled here and there.

A smaller example would be a creating a more stylized login form. It's just... again, a matter of finding where that html is being created and how I can add custom classes for my css. And sometimes its not classes I want to add, for example, on form inputs, placeholder attributes? Basically what fills an otherwise empty input field by default, and disappears when the field is brought to focus to type in. I could put 'username' in the input field itself instead of having the text label sit above it.

So yeah, that's basically my largest setback so far, lack of comprehending the functions that compile the forms and render the html. All that GUI stuff, basically.

Last edited by Kyttias; 01-28-2014 at 06:00 AM.
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