Thread: Hi~!
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Old 01-28-2014, 04:24 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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I see~

Yes, I figured I could probably change the rendering of the page with jQuery right before the DOM finishes loading.

(I did try modifying the GUI but not every class liked the idea of echos or prints and I really don't want to try and make my own functions in something I don't understand, unless I can be handed some precise documentation. I modified it a tiny bit to get my navbar working, but that was just to quickly add classes to the existing ul elements. I couldn't find a way to add classes to the li inside the lists, since that wasn't part of the code, and they're likely automatically generated.)

So, jQuery it is. I'll send in the verdict~ I'm so glad I bought a pocket manual for myself for Christmas.

And I finally got around to making my first test adoptable (actual size may be smaller ahaha):

It'll be a while before I have a live site to show off. Many free hosts threaten to delete inactive sites within 30 days or so, and many others forbid 'game scripts' in their terms of service - even some of the ones being highly recommended elsewhere on this forum. So, free hosting at your own risk, and you get what you pay for. I might put up something as a proof of concept.

This summer I can host the site from my laptop directly using WAMP, since I'm building locally... but my current living situation has me unable to send it live to the web that way. Between the mess of two routers, and the fact they refuse to give me the password to configure it properly, my poor baby can't port forward its way out of a paper bag. I'll be moving later, and then I can host stuff myself. If I get serious, I may even buy a legit server, rather than hosting it from my laptop. But I think my laptop can handle a dozen or two beta testers.

Last edited by Kyttias; 01-28-2014 at 04:27 PM.
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