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Old 02-04-2014, 08:31 AM
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IntoRain IntoRain is offline
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Can I suggest doxygen-style comments for the classes and functions? Doxygen automatically generates a wiki thing (.html) with information on all classes and functions from just comments, making it easier in my opinion for us to search for stuff. I know it kinda sucks to comment everything, but since you will be changing the code a lot and since some of the older functions and core classes are already commented, I thought I'd suggest doxygen-style comments:

The generated .html pages look awesome: (example of a function description (detailed) - it has the call graph and the caller graph!) (example of a class list, it shows undetailed member functions with the details at the end of the page - it has a search function! it also shows class hierarchy, files, etc!)
__________________ stole my soul.
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