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Old 02-14-2014, 04:23 AM
Ruinily Ruinily is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: England
Posts: 185
Gender: Female
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Ruinily is on a distinguished road

Okay this is a big update! I have good and bad news. I'll get the bad news out the way first, our wonderful coder is taking a month or two out to upgrade and improve her own site. So its likely we wont be getting any heavy coding based projects (like the battling system) finished until around April. Its fine, she has her own great site too, and I have a bunch of things to finish myself here anyway. That leads onto the good news, I have photoshop back! :D And I've been going crazy on it, I'm really sorry I missed a couple of events, I'm hoping a few new pets will make it up. ^_^ So the old location pet will be moving out (finally!) next week, if you havent got it yet you had better go get it! The next location creature is very unusual... Its made out of fire and ice and its definitely one of my favourites. So as a little extra to apologise for my time off I made a special nebula version that can ONLY be gotten from the main Felkyo shop over the next two weeks. ^_^ There wont be any kept spare in the stock account, so you'll have to make sure you get them!

And I know I missed the Chinese new year, but its still the year of the horse right? So along with the special nebula creature I'm also putting the year of the horse creature in the main Felkyo shop for the next two weeks too. Its kind of a horse, mixed with some other creatures to make something very unique. I'll post a message on the message board the day before I take them both out.

Since its valentines day I've also made a couple of items, the valentines chocolates and a card you can send to someone special. ;) They are in Baulders boutique. I hope you all have a lovely valentines day! And because I know I've been bad with updates and people have probably stopped watching here I'll leave the valentines items out over the weekend for anyone that just wants to have a lovely weekend. :)

I'll keep you all updated as much as I can!

Chocolate butterfly cat pudding. o.o

And since even the programming on this forum doesnt like me anymore heres my sites address. XD
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