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Old 04-04-2014, 06:15 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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I've got a couple of questions (and comments):

1) I've tried asking twice about the light/dark changer, I'm going to assume a non-answer means you're not interested in letting the users change this. (Which is easier on me, and I'll remove it from the top of the page.)

2) When using the admin control panel to modify the contents of pages, the text editor provided there adds a div with a name of 'document' but this is somehow interfering with the existing code. I've fixed this anomaly with a bit of jQuery.

3) The modifications you've made to the menu haven't stuck to the original code enough for certain aspects to work - due to missing elements and accidentally deleted closing tags (so I'll be commenting the code to the menu to mark begin and end points, for readability's sake - since you'll be manually editing this menu). Currently, I'm particularly worried about the submenus that open up and make the menu taller than the page itself. In the demo, a scrollbar appears. In your version, this doesn't happen. I will attempt to fix this before handing it over. (This right here is what is causing the longest delay right now.) Please note, I actually don't recommend having such long content as part of your menu, as users probably won't want to scroll. The paragraph under Events, being so close to the bottom, is especially troublesome. I'll let you decide what you're going to do about this.

4) In the first set of files you handed me, you were using the light colored bar at the top (and this is what is also present in the attempt you linked). Do you want it to look like the demo with the dark colored bar? Changing from a light bar to a dark bar is just as easy as swapping out the class found right under the body, in the header. ( <header class="css3aw-theme-dark"> or <header class="css3aw-theme-light"> ) -- I'm just not sure if this was an intentional design choice or not. Can I get a confirmation of what the default set up is that I should be handing you?

5) Even on the demo site, the page contents are off center (by about 30px). Rather than fix this in a complicated way, I went the easy route and just shifted the site title over 30px, and it's not so noticeable now.

6) Looking at the demo - when the screen width is smaller, the header gets shorter, yes, but the page content is still at a fixed size of 800px, making the page contents cut off. This will effect tablets and smart phones, so I'm going to patch in a quick fix, so that under a certain screen width, the text-container has a width of 100%. You're welcome. ^^

7) I've also added in a link to a favicon (that icon next to a browser tab's page title). It is stored with the other images in the theme, just gotta edit it~

8) Sadly, buying a second copy of the license was unnecessary. I'm not interested in using this... it's nice looking, but the amount of effort taken to fix it hasn't been worthwhile. (...I really could have made myself something better and faster than it took to fix it.) And you still have a long way to go: You'll have to include the sidebar or hack in stuff to the menu so users can log in and view their currency amount at a glance, etc.

9) In addition to everything else, the file you purchased only contained styles for the menu and nothing more. In the root of the template theme I'm giving you there is now a style.css where I've written in some basic properties - the body text color, link color, and link hover color. It's a start. (The demo itself only styled the font color and link color within lists, which is all their demo used for actual page content.) In the end, I recommend supplementing your purchase with a full css framework or getting your hands dirty and writing in your own styles. -o-;;

10) In your menu I've changed your direct links to relative links. So what this is, rather than a full URL, there is a variable instead. That is, you're now using something like <a href="{$path}search"> instead of <a href="">. This is the joy of using a template (.tpl) instead of html! The {$path} variable knows exactly what your install directory looks like. Also note that URLs cannot contain spaces, so any instance I saw a space, I replaced it with an underscore: <a href="{$path}shop/browse/Item_Shop"> instead of <a href="{$path}shop/browse/Item Shop">. Please verify that these new locations work?

Still, I enjoy being helpful so I will get this done for you. ^^


Other than the scrolling on the menu, which still does not work, I have sent the updated files to your inbox.

Last edited by Kyttias; 04-04-2014 at 10:10 PM.
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