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Old 04-07-2014, 03:58 PM
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Abronsyth Abronsyth is offline
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Default Looking for a Theme

Hello everyone!

So while I have lost my tablet and can not work on the actual art for Velicorex (besides concept sketches) so I have been trying to get the other parts done (setting up the base for explore pages/towns/etc and content) in the meantime.

This is where you come in! I have been wanting a theme specifically set to Velicorex for a little while now. Not a complex theme- preferably very similar to Bootstrap (responsive, same basic layout) but with my custom logos and colors.

The theme is supposed to be sci-fi, so the main colors will be dark greys (no solid black) and electric blue.

Since I'd prefer this to be, essentially, a modification of the Bootstrap theme, it shall need to remain responsive.

Unfortunately I am short on funding right now, and missing my tablet the best I can do is offer writing and concept sketches. Wish I could do more :/ I should have a new tablet pen soon enough, so if you're willing to wait a bit I would be able to provide art, eventually. You can see my dA for art examples.

So, if anyone's interested, please post here!
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Last edited by Abronsyth; 04-07-2014 at 04:03 PM.
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