Thread: Hello there! :3
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Old 04-07-2014, 10:15 PM
Zyraph Zyraph is offline
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You both bring up some amazing points about college and it's something I wish I had known when I was kinda being forced to go the college route before truly knowing where my passions were. I liked programming: I made my own few scripts through mIRC, but it wasn't with a true scripting language, just something that kinda somehow resembled C.

I should not have gone to college just out of high school. My family did pressure me to go ahead into college, so I went with it, and I really regret it (my loans from it are devastating, and I still don't actually have a job, I just know how to manage money when I acquire it). Honestly, when I get my site running, I want to be able to get the money back that I invested into it, but not much else unless it becomes that big of a success (mainly because I'd probably start actually paying developers for their time, but that's if it truly becomes successful).

HTML is definitely not in the same category of traditional programming languages. VB.NET, Java, C/C++, Python, Perl, all of these have a common core of functions they share as far as programming. HTML has nothing remotely close in concept. All you get are some tags and that's how you're defining things. VB.NET doesn't use tags like that, the only time you "tag" something into brackets is with your own functions or If/Then/Else.

Also, I know exactly who you're talking about when your things magically got deleted after a month, Kyttias. I used them for awhile, and admittedly used them to get my code set up before I transferred to A Small Orange (Amazing hosting, though they only really limit you on bandwidth and storage space, I only have 250MB storage right now). I went with their tiny plan which is $35 for an entire year of hosting. What I needed was unlimited subdomains while still allowing for at least 2 domains linked to a package, and it's got pretty much unlimited everything except space and bandwidth, so I can't complain...yet.

The reason why people are saying to go with phpBB3 is because they're starting to transition to a more fluid and dynamic way of programming (they're using a few different frameworks, including Symphony). Once 4.0 hits, it'll be completely converted to the new frameworks, and anything for 2.0 will be virtually unupgradeable as far as mods, at least not without extensive coding background with both versions.

Honestly, I really, really love programming! I'm just not always great at learning on my own as far as structured tutorials, and school was just a waste for me on it. I did learn a LOT about Windows 7 however, and even got certified for it by Microsoft, though I probably could've gone about it on my own for far cheaper.

Kyttias, I'll make sure to follow you on Twitter, and I have unlimited texts too, though I use Google Voice for that (sooooo much easier to multitask simply because I can have a screen just for my texts on my computer and a screen for whatever I'm working on) :3 And I can do DMs through Twitter, though if you see some things that seem a bit odd, it's because I'm random...and sometimes not always civil on my personal one. Though the site one will be as clean as I can make it ;3
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