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Old 06-08-2014, 06:27 PM
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squiggler squiggler is offline
Squiggling since 1995
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I love the achievements and personality ideas. Not sure what the personality would do unless it affected how they grew stats.

The competition idea would be fun. It could be based on who has the best stats. I think it would be cool if it ran once a week, and members would pay an entrance fee for the chance of winning either money or an item or an adoptable.
Originally Posted by parayna View Post
Squiggler, would this maybe enable you to click on a button on your pets profiles (for example) and see the past generations? I would kinda like that implemented as well... It would be a nice add on to have, and it would definitely mean that people would enjoy the breeding aspect more as they could keep track of the past generations and, I don't know... breed 'pure blooded' pets. (Whatever that would entail on your site, either breeding with only that one colour or type... whatever )
Yup, that's exactly what I had in mind. For example, like DragCave:

And you can click each adoptable's image to go to their stats page.
This would probably only work if the adoptables have public stats pages though... otherwise it'd be kind of pointless. The personality would be displayed on the adoptable's stats page or box.
IntoRain was able to do that for me- you might want to ask them how they did it. Example.
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Last edited by squiggler; 06-08-2014 at 06:30 PM.
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