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Old 06-14-2014, 11:04 AM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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It's definitely smarter to do it with PHP if for any reason it has to do with promo codes, for obvious security reasons! The best designed sites flawlessly integrate beauty with purpose. It's nice to know Smarty has a built in function for server time! Definitely would have saved me half the effort last night.

- On what file does the smarty assign need to be made?
- To get an image to appear a specific time of day, but not display the time, I would still need at least this in Javascript:
var now = new Date();
var hrs = now.getHours();
var img = "";

if (hrs >  0) img = ""; // After midnight
if (hrs >  6) img = ""; // After 6am
if (hrs > 12) img = ""; // After noon
if (hrs > 17) img = ""; // After 5pm
if (hrs > 22) img = ""; // After 10pm

// Any element with a class of "timeimg" will get its image:
$(".timeimg").html("<img src="+img+">");
- I'd love a quick lesson on how to format PHP for this instead. ovo~ It should be nearly the same? (There's a bit of shortcutting above as far as format goes, but I don't know how chill PHP is with forgoing conventional brackets.) So, safely, this would be the basic start, right? What would the next steps be, to make showing an image be as convenient showing the time like the Smarty assign?

$t = date("H");

if ($t>"0") { echo "<img src=''>"; } // After midnight
if ($t>"6") { echo "<img src=''>"; } // After 6am
if ($t>"12") { echo "<img src=''>"; } // After noon
if ($t>"17") { echo "<img src=''>"; } // After 5pm
if ($t>"22") { echo "<img src=''>"; } // After 10pm
I'd like the end result to be as easy as going {$timeimg}? (I'm learning, I like this!) I think it needs to go in function (object?) that the smarty variable will be assigned to read the outcome of??

Last edited by Kyttias; 06-14-2014 at 01:14 PM.
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