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Old 12-11-2014, 08:00 AM
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parayna parayna is offline
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Default Who's Online page

Hey guys. How would you make it so that the Who's Online page on your site displays names like this:


So like each name is seperated by only a comma and is on the same line and not underneath each other like in the table (the default one where there is multiple fields filled in). It would only go onto the new line if/when the last name is too big to fit in the space left on the page, in which case it would go underneath the first name.

Basically I have already removed the other fields as I didn't think that my members would like their gender being displayed, or their money (as has been the case on a few sites, people have started begging those with loads of money to donate to them) And the nickname and how many pets people had fields just seemed pointless to me, for my site at least. At the moment it displays names like this:


How would I go about fixing it? I have been tinkering with the code but nothing I do/look up seems to help... would it be to do with the CSS, or the view file? Or something? XD


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