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Old 12-15-2014, 11:33 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 857
Gender: Unknown/Other
Credits: 92,143
Kyttias is on a distinguished road

Tooltip time!

In your directory where Mysidia is installed there is a css folder (not talking about anything theme-related in the template folder, this css folder is the one at the root). We're going to add this as tooltip.css -

  Spoiler: tooltip.css 
HTML Code:
    text-align: center;
    color: #fff;
    background: #111;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 100;
    padding: 15px;
    #tooltip:after /* triangle decoration */
        width: 0;
        height: 0;
        border-left: 10px solid transparent;
        border-right: 10px solid transparent;
        border-top: 10px solid #111;
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        left: 50%;
        bottom: -10px;
        margin-left: -10px;

            border-top-color: transparent;
            border-bottom: 10px solid #111;
            top: -20px;
            bottom: auto;
            left: 10px;
            margin: 0;
            right: 10px;
            left: auto;
            margin: 0;

A nearby folder, also in the heart of things, is called js. Open up this folder and add this as tooltip.js:
  Spoiler: tooltip.js 
HTML Code:

    $( function()
        var targets = $( '[rel~=tooltip]' ),
            target  = false,
            tooltip = false,
            title   = false;

        targets.bind( 'mouseenter', function()
            target  = $( this );
            tip     = target.attr( 'title' );
            tooltip = $( '<div id="tooltip"></div>' );

            if( !tip || tip == '' )
                return false;

            target.removeAttr( 'title' );
            tooltip.css( 'opacity', 0 )
                   .html( tip )
                   .appendTo( 'body' );

            var init_tooltip = function()
                if( $( window ).width() < tooltip.outerWidth() * 1.5 )
                    tooltip.css( 'max-width', $( window ).width() / 2 );
                    tooltip.css( 'max-width', 340 );

                var pos_left = target.offset().left + ( target.outerWidth() / 2 ) - ( tooltip.outerWidth() / 2 ),
                    pos_top  = target.offset().top - tooltip.outerHeight() - 20;

                if( pos_left < 0 )
                    pos_left = target.offset().left + target.outerWidth() / 2 - 20;
                    tooltip.addClass( 'left' );
                    tooltip.removeClass( 'left' );

                if( pos_left + tooltip.outerWidth() > $( window ).width() )
                    pos_left = target.offset().left - tooltip.outerWidth() + target.outerWidth() / 2 + 20;
                    tooltip.addClass( 'right' );
                    tooltip.removeClass( 'right' );

                if( pos_top < 0 )
                    var pos_top  = target.offset().top + target.outerHeight();
                    tooltip.addClass( 'top' );
                    tooltip.removeClass( 'top' );

                tooltip.css( { left: pos_left, top: pos_top } )
                       .animate( { top: '+=10', opacity: 1 }, 50 );

            $( window ).resize( init_tooltip );

            var remove_tooltip = function()
                tooltip.animate( { top: '-=10', opacity: 0 }, 50, function()
                    $( this ).remove();

                target.attr( 'title', tip );

            target.bind( 'mouseleave', remove_tooltip );
            tooltip.bind( 'click', remove_tooltip );

Now, in your theme's header.tpl, add in these lines (before the end of the </head>, of course):
  Spoiler: Inside header.tpl: 
HTML Code:
	<script src="//"></script> 
	<script src="{$home}{$js}/tooltip.js"></script>

You now have all the necessary components for tooltips.

To make tooltips elsewhere on your site, from now on, all you need to do is add title="Contents of the tooltip here!" rel="tooltip" to any element you want to have a tooltip. Could be links, divs, spans, images, etc. You can also use some basic html inside them, such as italicies, bold, and linebreaks.

For more reference on the tooltip system I just had you install, visit this link.


Moving along, here is the final version of classes/class_itemshop.php:

  Spoiler: classes/class_itemshop.php 
PHP Code:

use Resource\Collection\LinkedList;

Itemshop extends Model{

$total 0;
    public function 
// Fetch the database info into object property      
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$row $mysidia->db->select("shops", array(), "shopname ='{$shopname}'")->fetchObject();
is_object($row)) throw new Exception("Invalid Shopname specified");
// loop through the anonymous object created to assign properties
foreach($row as $key => $val){
$this->$key $val;         
$this->items $this->getitemnames();
$this->total = (is_array($this->items))?count($this->items):0;

    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("shops", array(), "category ='{$this->category}'");
$cate_exist = ($row $stmt->fetchObject())?TRUE:FALSE;     
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$this->shopname)) $shop_exist FALSE;
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("shops", array(), "shopname ='{$this->shopname}'");
$shop_exist = ($row $stmt->fetchObject())?TRUE:FALSE;    
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");        
$stmt $mysidia->db->select("items", array("itemname"), "shop ='{$this->shopname}'");
$items = array();
$item $stmt->fetchColumn()){
$items[] = $item;
        else return 
    public function 
    public function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$document $mysidia->frame->getDocument();              
$this->gettotal() == 0){

# Choose the NPC image based on the name of the shop
switch ($this->shopname) {
"Crossed Roads":                     
$npc_img "";
#Based on the random number, sets a quote for $npc_text
$num Rand (1,6);   
                switch (
$num) { 
1$npc_text "Time is money."; break; 
2$npc_text "Isn't icecream super?"; break; 
3$npc_text "Welcome to {$this->shopname}!"; break; 
4$npc_text "Off to see the wizard?"; break; 
5$npc_text "Tomorrow is another day..."; break; 
6$npc_text "PHP is cool!"; }                            
$npc_img "";
#Based on the random number, sets a quote for $npc_text
$num Rand (1,6);   
                switch (
$num) { 
1$npc_text "Time is money."; break; 
2$npc_text "Isn't icecream super?"; break; 
3$npc_text "Welcome to {$this->shopname}!"; break; 
4$npc_text "Off to see the wizard?"; break; 
5$npc_text "Tomorrow is another day..."; break; 
6$npc_text "PHP is cool!"; }                   
$npc_img "";
$npc_text "Welcome to {$this->shopname}!";
# let's begin rendering the page
$document->add(new Comment("
                .s_top {
                  display: block;
                  margin-bottom: 10px;
                  width: 300px;
                  float: left;
                  position: relative;
                  height: 100px;
                  padding: 15px;
                  margin: 10px;
                  margin-top: 200px;
                  font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;
                  overflow: auto;
                  width: 40%;
                  float: left;

                .sc_item {
                  display: inline-block;
                  padding: 5px;
                  text-align: center;
                  font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, sans-serif;
                  font-size: 14px;
                  margin-bottom: 3px;
                .s_panel {
                  border-radius: 4px;
                  border: 1px solid #466ec3;
                  background-color: #ccf3f6;  
            <!-- START Container for Text and NPC -->
                <div class='s_top s_container'>
                    <div class='s_panel sc_npc_text'>
                    <div class='sc_npc_img'><img  src='
{$npc_img}' border='5' height='450'></div>    
            <!-- END Container for Text and NPC -->
            <!-- START Container for Items -->
                  <div class='s_container'>    
# Now render each item the store has
foreach($this->items as $stockitem){
$item $this->getitem($stockitem);
#descriptions of the item functions
switch ($item->function) {
"Click1"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Feed a pet to give them {$item->value} EXP.";
"Click2"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Feed a pet to set their EXP to {$item->value}.";
"Click3"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Resets EXP earned today to 0.";
"Level1"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Raises the Level of your pet by {$item->value}.";
"Level2"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Sets the Level of your pet to {$item->value}.";
"Level3"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Makes your pet Level 0 again!";
"Gender"$usage "<br/><b>use:</b> Swaps the gender of your pet to its opposite!";
$usage "";

# Now let's render each item icon, name, price and tooltip
$document->add(new Comment("
                <div class=\"s_panel sc_item\">
                <img rel=\"tooltip\" title=\"
{$item->description} <em>{$usage}</em>\" src=\"{$item->imageurl}\"/><br/>
{$item->price} Credits<br/>

# Building the Buy form
$buyForm = new FormBuilder("buyform""../purchase/{$mysidia->input->get("shop")}""post");
$quantity = new TextField("quantity");
$buy = new Button("Buy""buy""buy");

# Actually adding in the Quantity field Buy button now

# Now we finish off the item by closing its div
$document->add(new Comment("</div>"FALSE)); 

# And that's a wrap
$document->add(new Comment("</div><!-- END Container for Items -->"FALSE));

    public function 
      return new 
    public function 
purchase(Item $item){
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$item->owner != $mysidia->user->username) Throw new NoPermissionException('Something is very very wrong, please contact an admin asap.');
$item->quantity $mysidia->input->post("quantity");
$cost $item->getcost($this->salestax$item->quantity);
$moneyleft $mysidia->user->money $cost;
$moneyleft >= and $item->quantity 0){    
$purchase $item->append($item->quantity$item->owner);
$mysidia->db->update("users", array("money" => $moneyleft), "username = '{$item->owner}'");            
$status TRUE;
            else throw new 
    public function 

    public function 
      protected function 
$mysidia Registry::get("mysidia");
$mysidia->db->update("shops", array($field => $value), "sid='{$this->sid}' and shoptype = 'adoptshop'");

Finally, I'm happy to inform you that is absolutely safe to use apostrophes inside of item names, item descriptions, shop names, and the NPC text. However, please refrain from using quotation marks in any of these areas.

So, to clarify, DO NOT:
"Sour" Candy
This is an "official" fanclub hair pin.
The "Best" Shop
"Welcome", says the shopkeeper.

It would, however, okay, to use single quotes instead, as these are just apostrophes and apostrophes are okay!
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.

Last edited by Kyttias; 12-15-2014 at 11:46 PM.
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