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Old 01-18-2015, 09:07 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Wink Database Query: COUNT(*)

How can I perform:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vote_voters
with $mysidia->db->select()??

edit (answer):
PHP Code:
$stat_totalclicks $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters")->rowCount(); 

Then perhaps, as above, but a count of all rows in vote_voters between two variable dates, such as:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vote_voters WHERE date >= '{$date1}' and date < '{$date2}'
(Mental notes to self: format needs to be 2015-01-15, that is, (Y-m-d).)

edit (answer):
PHP Code:
$today date("Y-m-d");
$weekago date("Y-m-d"strtotime("-7 days"));
$monthago date("Y-m-d"strtotime("-1 month"));
$stat_weeklyclicks $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$weekago}' and date <= '{$today}'")->rowCount();
$stat_monthlyclicks $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$monthago}' and date <= '{$today}'")->rowCount(); 

Next, both of the last two above (all time and between certain dates), but also taking into account:
WHERE username = '{$user}'
(Mental notes to self, $user = $mysidia->input->get("user") on profile pages.)

edit (answer):
PHP Code:
$thisuser $mysidia->input->get("user");
$stat_weeklyclicks $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$weekago}' and date <= '{$today}' and username = '{$thisuser}'")->rowCount();
$stat_monthlyclicks $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$monthago}' and date <= '{$today}' and username = '{$thisuser}'")->rowCount(); 

Would it be possible to pull a list of the names of the top 10 users (this week/month)?? (Though this is problematic as uid is not currently being stored in vote_voters, so I can't use it as a secondary order checker, and alphabetic just won't cut it, as older members should have precedence in score charts).
edit (answered by HoF over aim, huge thanks!)
PHP Code:
/* Top 10 Users With Most Interactions This WEEK */
$top10Users_weekly $mysidia->db->query("SELECT username, COUNT(username) AS interactions FROM adopts_vote_voters WHERE date >= '{$weekago}' and date <= '{$today}' GROUP BY username ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10")->fetchAll();
$i 0$icount($top10Users_weekly); $i++){ 
$order_w $i 1
if (
$top10Users_weekly[$i]['username'] != NULL){
$document->add(new Comment("No.{$order_w}: <a href='../../profile/view/{$top10Users_weekly[$i]['username']}'>{$top10Users_weekly[$i]['username']} ({$top10Users_weekly[$i]['interactions']})</a>")); 
/* Top 10 Users With Most Interactions This MONTH */
$top10Users_monthly $mysidia->db->query("SELECT username, COUNT(username) AS interactions FROM adopts_vote_voters WHERE date >= '{$monthago}' and date <= '{$today}' GROUP BY username ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10")->fetchAll();
$i 0$icount($top10Users_monthly); $i++){ 
$order_m $i 1
if (
$top10Users_monthly[$i]['username'] != NULL){
$document->add(new Comment("No.{$order_m}: <a href='../../profile/view/{$top10Users_monthly[$i]['username']}'>{$top10Users_monthly[$i]['username']} ({$top10Users_monthly[$i]['interactions']})</a>")); 

Can I also get the most common pet type in owned_adoptables?
edit (answered by HoF over aim): see below

In the end I will want to set nine variables:
  • community interactions of all time = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters")->rowCount();
  • community interactions last month = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$monthago}' and date <= '{$today}'")->rowCount();
  • community interactions last week = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$weekago}' and date <= '{$today}'")->rowCount();
  • user interactions of all time = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "username = '{$thisuser}'")->rowCount();
  • user interactions last month = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$monthago}' and date <= '{$today}' and username = '{$thisuser}'")->rowCount();
  • user interactions last week = $mysidia->db->select("vote_voters", array(), "date >= '{$weekago}' and date <= '{$today}' and username = '{$thisuser}'")->rowCount();
  • top 10 most active users last week = see question above
  • top 10 most active users last month = see question above
  • most owned pet = $mysidia->db->query("SELECT type AS favpet FROM adopts_owned_adoptables GROUP BY type ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn();

Later I may extend this data to 'factions', to create a competitive atmosphere, not just against other players, but other faction groups. The most active factions getting rewarded regularly, of course.
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.

Last edited by Kyttias; 01-19-2015 at 03:24 AM.
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