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Old 12-03-2015, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Distortion View Post
Is there a way to add an image to every explore encounter?
I was thinking the same. I'd just put the image of the egg (or whatever your lvl0 image is) for each adopt in the comments.

So for example take this:

PHP Code:
            if($random >= 41 && $random <= 60){
$species "Another Common Species";
$newadopt = new StockAdopt($species);
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You found a $species! It's pretty common."FALSE));
and replace the $document->add(new Comment( part with this:

PHP Code:
$document->add(new Comment("Oh look! You found a <img src='imglinkhere' /> $species egg! It's pretty common."FALSE)); 

Make sure you use only 'single' quotes for any code instead of the "double" quotes. Also, you can experiment with image placement. So if you want it before the comment and centered on its own line just add some br tags after it with center tags around. Likewise, do the same for items, currency, and when a user turns up with nothing.

I also found it quite helpful to add a link called (Continue Exploring) to the same explorearea1 page after the comment, so that instead of having to refresh the page, a user just clicks it to continue exploring.

I'm gonna mess with it a little bit in the coming days, so I'll edit or post here again with what I come up with. (:
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