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Old 12-10-2015, 01:59 PM
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tahbikat tahbikat is offline
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I tested it out and it seems as though if a user selects partial trade, without specifying a creature, it gets sent to the Partial Trades page instead of My Trades page.

Whereas if partial trade ISN'T selected, it gets sent to My Trades like it's supposed to.

When I accepted a trade from My Trades page, it threw up an error page saying "an item wasn't selected" but when I went to check my adopts, the trade did in fact go through.

Public trades also aren't working. They show up in the public trades list, but when I tried offering a trade to one of the public ones, it gives me an error saying something like "You cannot specify a trade recipient in a public trade!" even though the recipient is automatically already specified. :x

So all in all the system is kind of working like it's supposed to aside from the public trades, though it's kind of confusing.
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