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Old 01-22-2016, 10:32 AM
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Default General Question About Breeding/Pets

Hello ^_^

So, I have finally managed to dedicate more time to my site (and I now have 2 helpers to help with things so I am more motivated to carry it on into the future) and I was having a little think. I really wanted my site to have pets where you could have a base image and base colours and have patterns released and bred into adoptables without you having to design solid pets all the time (like Flight Rising, I guess) but I am not sure how I would do that...
(If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be forever greatful... o.o)

But as it doesn't seem like I will be able to do that, does breeding automatically give offspring either of the parents type? I mean that I don't want to have to set breeding combos for EVERY single pairing that will EVER be in the game.... that would be very tiresome T-T And if I wanted to have a new combination for a specific pairing, I could then set it if I wanted. Or does breeding not work if nothing is specifically set?
(It would kinda be neat if the layered pets way was in the next version of Mysidia but I doubt that will happen XD Would just make me super happy *-*)

Thanks for any help!


EDIT: Sorry if I didn't explain it right o.o Reading that through seems like it might be a tad confusing XD
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