Thread: Mys 1.3.4 Higher Or Lower Game
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Old 02-04-2016, 12:41 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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If you have installed before this date, please redownload the latest copy, REPLACE sendscore.php, and DELETE all entries in the 'adopts_games' table to prevent corrupt data.

Thanks Abronsyth for reporting the bug, I apologize for the wait in getting it fixed. Let me know if for some reason the bug hasn't been fixed??????

For Wallie - the sendscore.php file has been entirely revised, but for the better (you'll see what I mean). All you have to do is change some variables near the top for the name of the game and number of plays, and this will make it easier for other game developers. I think this version is what you should use if you want to continue to cross check with cookies to prevent users from playing as other people (but I haven't been able to test it):
  Spoiler: cookie version of sendscore.php 
PHP Code:
/* What game is it, how many daily plays are there? */
$game_name "HiLo";
$number_of_plays 20;

/* This function will help sanitize input to prevent errors. */
function sanitizeInput($data) {
$data trim($data);
$data stripslashes($data);
$data htmlspecialchars($data);

/* Find when and who! */
$day date('z');
$username sanitizeInput($_POST['username']);

/* If the username matches the cookie from login, proceed, if not, throw an error: */
$cookie_name 'mysusername';
$cookievalue $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];
if (
$cookievalue != $username) {
$warning "Please do not exploit the system!";
} else {
/* This sets up the database connection. */
    if (
$db->connect_error) { die("Database connection failed!"); }

/* Grab this user's info on this game from the database. */
$game_data "SELECT * FROM adopts_games WHERE `username` = '{$username}' AND `game` = '{$game_name}'";
$result mysqli_query($db$game_data);
$game mysqli_fetch_array($result);

/* If no data is found with the user having ever played before... create some! */
if (!$game) {
$sql "INSERT INTO `adopts_games`(`plays`, `username`, `game`, `timestamp`) VALUES ('{$number_of_plays}', '{$username}', '{$game_name}', '{$day}')";
        if (
$db->query($sql) === FALSE) { echo "Error creating new game data: " $db->error; }

/* If a score is being sent through post data, do this. */
if (isset($_POST['amt'])) {
$score sanitizeInput($_POST['amt']);
// If there are still plays left for today's game...
if ($game['plays'] > 0){
// Add score to user's money.
$sql "UPDATE adopts_users SET `money` = money + $score WHERE `username` = '{$username}'";    
            if (
$db->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "Score updated successfully!"; } else { echo "Error updating score: " $db->error; }

// Reduce the number of plays left available for this game by one & updates the timestamp to reflect current day of the year.
$plays_left $game['plays'] - 1;
$sql "UPDATE adopts_games SET `plays` = '{$plays_left}', `timestamp` = '{$day}' WHERE `username` = '{$username}' AND `game` = '{$game_name}'";
            if (
$db->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "Game data updated successfully!"; } else { echo "Error updating game data: " $db->error; }

    if (isset(
$_POST['plays'])) {
// Check if today matches the timestamp in the database.
if (date('z') != $game['timestamp']){
// If the timestamp is different, reset plays to max and update the timestamp to today.
$sql "UPDATE adopts_games SET `plays` = '{$number_of_plays}', `timestamp` = '{$day}' WHERE `username` = '{$username}' AND `game` = '{$game_name}'";
            if (
$db->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo "{$number_of_plays}"; } else { echo "Error updating time stamp: " $db->error; }
        } else {
// If the timestamp is the same, send back the state of the game.
if ($game['plays'] <= 0){ echo "GameOver"; } else { echo $game['plays']; } 


Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.

Last edited by Kyttias; 02-04-2016 at 12:49 PM.
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