Thread: Treasure Hunt
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Old 03-10-2016, 09:20 PM
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Default Treasure Hunt

I'm a little dense when it comes to PHP, apparently.

I would like to set up a treasure hunt for my players to earn a special prize. Ideally, it would be on the same map as the explore area.

The general idea of how it would work:

The players would have a starting page, which introduces the treasure hunt and gives the players their first clue. (It would give the player an item in their inventory, which has the clue within the description as well.)

The player would search the areas of the map, going to various places to find the next clue. Each clue would need to be found in order.

Once all clues are found, they navigate to a page that checks to make sure they have all the items, then gives them the prize. (Would like this to be a visual that shows all the clues or at least checkmarks that verify they have them or x's that indicate they're missing them.)

If there is someone who would be willing to work with me on this or at least point me in the right direction that would be amazing.
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