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Old 03-22-2016, 03:43 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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Hmmm.... in classes/class_visitormessage.php, after line 91, add the following (note that this is sort of untested, let me know if there are problems!):
PHP Code:
    $mysidia->db->insert("messages", array("id" => NULL"fromuser" => "SYSTEM""touser" => $this->touser"status" => "unread""datesent" => $date->format("M d, Y")." at ".$date->format("h:i A"), "messagetitle" => "New Profile Message!""messagetext" => "{$this->fromuser} wrote the following on your profile: <br><blockquote class='well'>\"{$mysidia->input->post("vmtext")}\"</blockquote><br> You can <a href='../../profile/view/{$this->touser}'>visit your profile</a> to reply to this message.")); 
This will send the user a PM whenever they receive a profile message. But if you want "notification system" like behavior, you'll need to look over this thread. In short, Mysidia's template system is built on top of Smarty. You can display how many unread messages a user has as part of the template. You could also do this anywhere else by making a variable that will simply hold the number of unread messages and then displaying it:

PHP Code:
$messages $mysidia->db->select("messages", array(), "touser='{$mysidia->user->username}' and status='unread'")->rowCount(); 
Sorry if that's a bit advanced but I hope it helps.
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.
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