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Old 09-10-2016, 03:16 PM
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Demonwolf37 Demonwolf37 is offline
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Default Loggin error: AppController not found

Fatal error: Class 'AppController' not found in /home/summonad/public_html/login.php on line 3

According to this thread (, this error is likely caused by,
1) A missing/blank .htaccess file
2) Incorrect config setup involving the domain name.

I don't believe either of these is the case.
1) There are 4 .htaccess files, one in public_html/inc/ckeditor/.htaccess(Which appears to just be legal information and tips instead of any actual code), one in public_html (which is a couple rewritecond, and rewriterule(s)), one in public_html/admincp/.htaccess (also rewrites, including rewriteengine), and one in install (which i've yet to delete, also rewrites).
2) define('DOMAIN', ''); appears to be set correctly. The following does not produce any changes: define('DOMAIN', 'summonadopts');

Any other solutions that I appear to be missing?
I keep coming back to my dragons, even though I know there's nothing to do with them :/
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