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Old 12-02-2016, 01:52 PM
Dinocanid's Avatar
Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 516
Gender: Unknown/Other
Credits: 68,465
Dinocanid is on a distinguished road

These are the updates that will be added over the weekend:
  • Alpha rewards! They will be given to the most active alpha users. Once the beta stage comes, active beta users will be given exclusive rewards as well.
  • Backgrounds! They will be available in a decor shop on the market page.
  • Associations! Users can join either the GGBA or the GEBA to have access to exclusive shops for items, adoptables, and decor. You cannot be in both associations at once and each require a certain amount of karma. You must have at least 100 karma to join the GGBA and -100 karma to join the GEBA.
  • Less money. Yes, sadly your bab will no longer be able to find $500 for you, but it will be able to find you $25 at max! Clicking adoptables will also reward between 0-2 in currency.
  • Interaction and trust! Babs are actually quite small, no bigger than a hand. Wouldn't you be weary of such a giant when you're so edible? You will no longer be able to add a favorite pet to your sidebar unless their trust is at least 50%. How do you gain trust? Through interaction! Random events will appear on your pet's page. If you pick the right choice you gain some trust. Picking the wrong choice won't cause you to lose any, but this may change. The choices will also cause you to gain or lose karma.
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