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Old 01-13-2017, 08:39 PM
Dinocanid's Avatar
Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 516
Gender: Unknown/Other
Credits: 68,621
Dinocanid is on a distinguished road

A rules page has finally been added to the site. They are located under the "Home" tab and a link has been added to the registration page; encouraging people to read it before signing up and that they agree to the rules if they register.

  Spoiler: The rules if you want to read them 
-Accounts and Registration-
  • Users are allowed to have only one (1) account on this website. This is to prevent cheating by transferring items/pets/currency between accounts.
  • Your useame and account biography cannot include any foul, explicit, or offensive language. Doing this once will result in a ban, while doing it a second time will result in account deletion.
  • Account impersinations will not be tolerated. Pretending to be another user or a staff member will result in account deletion.
-Freichat Ettiquet -
  • Offensive language (Slurs, hate speech, harrassment) is not allowed in the chat. Doing this will result in you losing your freichat privilages.
  • Sexual or explicit language (roleplay or otherwise) is not allowed in the chat. Doing so will result in a ban. Repeated offenses will result in account deletion.
  • Please do not spam the chat. This includes posting the same message multiple times and typing in all caps. The first few times will result in a waing, followed by a loss of freichat privilages.
  • Avoid starting arguments. Doing so will result in all involved losing their freichat privilages.
  • Do not beg for adoptables, items, or currency. The first few times will get a waing, follow by a loss of freichat privilages.
  • Do not name your pet anything explicit or offensive (This includes biographies as well). Doing so will result in the pet being deleted. Continued offenses will result in account deletion.
  • Please refrain from partaking in any promise-based transactions. (This includes giving away items, adopts, or currency in hopes of getting something in returm.) It is encouraged to use the site's trade function instead.
  • In addition to the above, users found to be scamming others will be banned, with repeated offenses leading to account deletion.
-Private Messaging and Visitor Messages-
  • Do not use the private messaging or visitor message system to harrass other users. Doing so will result in a ban. Continued offenses will result in account deletion.
-Explanations and exceptions-
  • It is recognized that some people have one computer (or multiple) in the same house, which can result in similar IP addresses if two different people want accounts. You will be monitored, but please feel free to PM a member of staff to make them aware of the situation.
  • Receiving multiple bans results in you being a "malicious member", which means your account gets deleted and your IP is recorded to prevent further registrations from you.
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