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Old 01-15-2017, 10:16 PM
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Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 516
Gender: Unknown/Other
Credits: 68,086
Dinocanid is on a distinguished road

Before we get started:
A new adoptable was released. The cookie cat! It's breed only, so it's up to you to find the right combination!

It's been a while since any major updates, so here's what I'm working on:
  • An explore system. Users will be able to let their favorite pet outside to find collectibles and items. You cannot endlessly explore, and will only be able take so many "steps" per day.
  • Alchemy system. It's been in place already for a while now, if you've notice the link in your inventory, but you can't craft anything yet. The name is still temporary, but it will most likely be functional when explore is finished, if not some time after. Users will be able to use the items they find in explore and in shops with the alchemy system.
  • A change to the way babs are obtained. This has been hinted to on the adoption center page for a while now, as it mentioned "fairy dust" and how it wasn't needed since they were already alive and ready to hatch. This was hinting to a sort of overhaul I was planning to do on how babs are raised. Here is a screenshot of the actual item, which is not publicly available yet:

The name of the item is always in quotations since it's not magical in any way. It contains chemicals that make the babs live, otherwise they're just fancy shaped foodstuffs. This item will be provided to newly registered users to help them get started (1 or 2 in total), otherwise it will be obtainable only through the alchemy feature and the gem shop (which currently does not exist).
Adoptables that have been bred or obtained from the adoption center do not need this item to start growing, but adoptables bought from the other shops will need this to grow; otherwise they will remain an egg/level 0 and cannot gain EXP.
  • Gems are not actual jewels, but rather a Gem Card. It looks like a credit card and the points it accumulates are valued higher than normal FoodDollars. The ratio is $200 = 1 gem. Gems will most likely be released after all the above features. Right now it is easy to obtain $200, so these will be available once it is harder to obtain that amount.
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