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Old 02-10-2017, 09:59 AM
Dinocanid's Avatar
Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 516
Gender: Unknown/Other
Credits: 68,599
Dinocanid is on a distinguished road

(This update will be rolled out over the course of the weekend. IE: Each adoptable and feature will be added gradually rather than all at once. Art still needs tweaking before release)

"What's this? It appears some new species of babs have escaped from the labs and are running rampant in the wild! Maybe you can find one to take home?"

  • Users will be able to take 20 steps in explore per day.
  • 7 new adoptables in total. (Cheese Mouse, Coati Swirl, Raspberry Cookie Rabbit, Curried Goat, Boar BQ, Border Trifle, and Kerry Blueberry)
  • 2 of the new adoptables, the coati swirl and boar BQ, will only be obtainable through explore, so you won't find them in any shops.
  • It's dangerous to go alone! Your favorite pet does it anyway though. If they happen to get injured, take a trip to the clinic to treat them. If their health drops below 60%, you won't be able to explore with them until they are healed.
  • Sickness! Your favorite pet can get sick from exploring outdoors. The only one present for now is the villainous mold! Every day that your pet is sick, their health will drop by 20% (that gives you 5 days to heal if they're perfectly healthy) If you fail to heal your pet before their health drops to 0, well...
  • Oh no, your pet has died! Well, "dead" in a sense. Your beloved bab is now a lifeless lump of deliciousness, but don't fret! If you can happen to get your hands on some "fairy dust", they'll be good as new! Too bad the stuff's not too easy to come by though...
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