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Old 03-05-2009, 02:59 PM
milay milay is offline
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Default Problems getting the script running....

[s]Before I start: I guess it'll make things easier if I also provide my passwords, else this problem might not be able to be solved.
So please, don't mess around with the sites. I personally don't care if you change anything since I can easily change it back or create a new site.
But I want to solve this problem and this might become more difficult if you make more problems appear.....[/s]

Problem seems to be solved, psswords already changed.


I host the sites at

First, I made a test page:
The database runs with the same domain (
Password used for both: neklow

This site is running fine.

The config.php has the following information:


// PHP Easy Adoptables Configuration File

$dbhost = 'localhost';      		//DB Hostname
$dbuser = 'wolken';				//DB User
$dbpass = 'neklow';				//DB Password
$dbname = 'wolken';    				//Your database name
$dname = '';    	//Your domain name (No http, www or . )
$spath = '';				//The folder you installed this script in, if subfolder use a slash, if root domain empty
$auser = 'milay';				//Admin Username for Host Admin CP
$apass = 'hylo135';				//Password for Host Admin CP


Now the problem: I wanted to create a proper adoptables site.
The domain:
The database:
Password used for both: hugede45

The config.php:

// PHP Easy Adoptables Configuration File

$dbhost = 'localhost';      		//DB Hostname
$dbuser = 'aenimals';				//DB User
$dbpass = 'hugede45';				//DB Password
$dbname = 'aenimals';    				//Your database name
$dname = '';    	//Your domain name (No http, www or . )
$spath = '';				//The folder you installed this script in, if subfolder use a slash, if root domain empty
$auser = 'milay';				//Admin Username for Host Admin CP
$apass = 'hylo135';				//Password for Host Admin CP

However, when trying to load the page, it says:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /users/aenimals/www/inc/functions.php on line 44
Error connecting to mysql database!


Do you have any ideas what might cause this error?

You may check the FTP-accounts if this'll help.

Thanks in advance to all who try to help me!!
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