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Old 03-07-2017, 01:09 PM
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kristhasirah kristhasirah is offline
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Default kristhasirah Art =)

Here is some of the art i make, i dont have a specific style.
I love making backgrounds, so most of the backgrounds i have done can be found in Tale of Ostlea: and some others in my DA account:
but first let me show all how some of the backgrounds start:


lots of things where changed/removed/added from the sketch to the finished one.
and some others start like this one:

Well most of my backgrounds start like the above just a black page and random lines defining what i need or want to do XD

I love making backgrounds, but right now i have my hands busy with ToO, silvatales and my site, but i promise when i get free time to make some backgrounds for free ^^ or take some request if someone needs a specific type of background =)
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