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Old 10-22-2017, 10:18 AM
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Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
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I assume you mean the public profile mod:
To make myadopts and levelup redirect to there instead, you would have to go into the respective view files and change where the links lead. If you're using my myadopts table code, for example, you would change this:
HTML Code:
<td><a href='/myadopts/manage/{$aid}' class='btn btn-primary' style='width:200px; height:auto;'>Manage</a></td>
To this:
HTML Code:
<td><a href='/levelup/publicprofile/{$aid}' class='btn btn-primary' style='width:200px; height:auto;'>Manage</a></td>
I've never been able to get backgrounds to appear with that mod either, but I have been able to show an adopt's image without $document->add($image);. Have you tried this?:
$document->add(new Comment("<img src='{$adopt->getImage()}'><br>"));
I know Abronsyth's started using ImageMagick, but I think they're using pre-drawn images instead of hex color codes. You can try asking though. I can try and help too, but I don't know how much help I can be since I've never attempted it.
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