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Old 06-17-2020, 12:09 AM
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Micolai Micolai is offline
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I'm getting this error. How can I fix it?

Warning: Missing argument 1 for Breeding::mergedBreed(), called in /home/wildhors/public_html/classes/class_breeding.php on line 52 and defined in /home/wildhors/public_html/classes/class_breeding.php on line 84

and my code in that area in that file is this:

private function mergedBreed($species){
if($this->female->getType() != $this->male->getType()) throw new BreedingException("class");
$name = "Child of {$this->female->getName()} & {$this->male->getName()}";
if(!$this->imageurl) $this->imageurl = $this->getImageurl($name);
$num = rand(1, $this->settings->number);
for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++){
$this->offsprings->append(new Adoptable($this->female->getType()));
"You try you fail, you try you fail, but the only true failure is if you stop trying. So try again." - Haunted Mansion
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