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Old 12-08-2020, 07:30 PM
EeveeDream EeveeDream is offline
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Lightbulb Just some ideas for my future site

So, a long long time ago, I commissioned a friend of mine (TheStormUnleashed on dA) for a concept art PSD of a creature I created for a novel in the making. However, I decided not to include the creature in the story, so now I have the PSD, and a wonderful base to practice on for making a virtual pet sim with!

The creature is called "Avitriba", and the screenshots below are just some designs I whipped up to showcase the creature. Just to explain, none of the markings or anything were done with care at the time I drew them--I just slapped stuff on to see the possibilities. Gonna update this thread with whatever designs I come up with that I like!

(Note: the round ball thing is an egg concept I drew up myself; my friend did not draw such a simple thing! xD)

Last edited by EeveeDream; 12-08-2020 at 07:53 PM.
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