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Old 03-12-2021, 06:07 PM
PixelRobot PixelRobot is offline
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Originally Posted by Kyttias View Post
I get e-mail alerts for my threads, and this thread is about a theme template -- not the admin area itself, and not whatever problem you're having that's not related to my theme template. Again, I want to emphasize that you should have made your own thread in appropriate area rather than posting in my thread with something off-topic (the answer to your "but how did you get the admin page working" question is "it just does") -- and because its not working out of the box for you, then I can only assume you're having installation problems with Mysidia itself. And for still trying to help you at all... I get called mean? Hilarious.

You don't seem to have at thread in the Bug Tracker area, and you claimed to have gotten everything working in the thread you made in Questions. Truthfully, the issue you're having in this thread and this thread are probably both related to the fact you're on a subdomain and Mysidia can't figure out how to connect its files.

After a quick search for 'subdomain' here on the forums, I can only point you towards this thread or perhaps this thread for help. The former is about subdomains, the latter is about hosting that didn't function very well because it only offered subdomains. See if either of these solutions fix the issue you're having with the AdminCP, as they seem to have helped others.

If you feel the forums are dead, you can always try asking for help in the Discord server. (No, it's not run by me.)

I also don't personally recommend trying to update things to be compatible PHP 7 yourself as Mysidia's next update is planned to run on PHP 7.

All in all, I'm being very cordial with someone posting where they ought not be. I won't be responding after this, but best of luck.
Thanks for the help, I think I found the issue based on the whole subdomain thing, hopefully, someone can help me on the discord
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