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Old 04-27-2009, 07:47 PM
cabjixx cabjixx is offline
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Default RE: Install page not working ?

Okay, I'll see what I can do with the htaccess file.

And the error is:

MySQL said: Documentation
#1103 - Incorrect table name 'adopts_adoptables '
Changed the .htaccess file, so now I'm able to start the process. However, now I get the following warnings:

FAIL: Your inc/config.php file is not writable. Please CHMOD config.php so that it is writable.

WARNING: Your picuploads/gif directory is not writable. Please CHMOD the directory so that it is writable if you wish to be able to upload images from your ACP.

WARNING: Your picuploads/jpg directory is not writable. Please CHMOD the directory so that it is writable if you wish to be able to upload images from your ACP.

PASS: Your server supports the GD image libraries and can handle fancy signature images..
How do I CHMOD in File Manager ? I have Mozilla Firefox with FireTT (or whatever it's called), but for some reason I have no idea how to make it work?
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