Thread: Only 2?
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Old 04-30-2009, 05:48 PM
Seapyramid Seapyramid is offline
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Default RE: Only 2?

Originally Posted by gjac1
I called the new table "adopts_alts" , the structure is just 1 field named "alturl" which is a varchar(120) type, this is where i input the url of the image.

Sea, i kind of did something like that with the old script, i created a html page for the adoption page, made the egg on all 10 adoptable exactly the same, then created 10 different outcomes..but i had to edit the "type" of adoptable manually in the DB, which wasnt fun....
You can do it with the new system real easy.. just add in the adoptable the same way as always.. Give it 2 outcomes. Add another adoptable with the same name but with an extra space somewhere so the system looks at it as being a different name. Give it 2 outcomes. The space isn't noticeable on the adopt page, but the system knows the difference.
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