Thread: Trojan Warning
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Old 05-12-2009, 05:29 PM
densaugeo densaugeo is offline
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Default RE: Trojan Warning

I checked all the files in my FTP, nothing new has been added. I have no idea where it's coming from, only that it's causing popups to appear when some of my friends visit saying something about a trojan trying to install iteself. I'll have someone nab a screenshot for me.

I do have a forum software on the site, that came with the site itself, since I go throught hostgator. I've also sent them a message about this issue and requested help. I don't have Joomla as far as I know. No one has access to the FTP but me, and I change my passwords pretty often to avoid people getting in =/ I'm unsure how this happened, but I know I've seen it a lot with sites using the easyadoptables script lately, and I considered myself lucky before it hadn't happened to me. Apparently it was only a matter of time, LOL.

I'm hoping to hear back from my site host soon, to see if they can find where the problem is.
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