Thread: Adopts News
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Old 06-01-2009, 06:29 PM
Saphira Saphira is offline
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Default RE: Adopts News

Hmm. I'm trying to edit site_news.php so that the people who can post news are the user groups editors and admins. This is what I've been playing with:

PHP Code:
if($isLoggedin == "yes" and $cancp == "yes"){ 
I've been trying to add somewhere:

PHP Code:
if($group == "editor"
because I figure that will allow the editor usergroup to post, as well as admins. Though I've had no luck. I've also tried:

PHP Code:
if($isLoggedin == "yes" and $group == "editors" $cancp == "yes"){ 
But then I realised that the original line is checking that the user is logged in, and that their group can access the admin CP. It's all part of one function. That's what lead me to thinking if($group == "editor") might work, because it's a separate one. Though I've been having trouble fitting it in and getting it to work properly. :3
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