Thread: Small Help
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:44 PM
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Default RE: Small Help

if you got a little skill then it should be posseble to do it on your own (i dont think that BMR777 coded it that hard :P)

i dont got the script yet , but i shal try to give you some help how you need to do it (i can be totaly wrong to :S)

the voting is linked to the pet
so every pet got there own votes

as you see the script of the pet , the file that shows the pet
then open that file and see where you see the text or lines that are like this
if usergroup = 2
you will see probaly something like that (can be totaly differend to but it will looks the same way like that )

then just copy it , try to find the vote system on that page and put that code above it , and close it then
then it will only show when a user is logged in (or to that sertain group so a admin does not see it , if it works with groups :P )

hopes this small thing can help you

Greets From PowerChaos
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