Thread: Failed Login..?
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Old 03-13-2009, 08:24 PM
Quillink Quillink is offline
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Default Failed Login..?

I know that the new release will fix this up with the password reset coming to play, but I thought I'd mention this anyway.

I've had a consistent stream of users who could not log in, even when their browser auto-filled the password form and even when they tried every password they have. I have no idea where the problem lies, or even if it's to do with the script, but it means that users can't login at all.

I've had to delete their accounts so they could sign up again, keeping their pets if it was the same username. It does take two minutes per user, and an apology message, so for lazy people like me it's a real pain! x]

Just thought I'd point it out, is anyone else having this problem..?
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