Thread: Login Box
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Old 11-03-2012, 12:36 AM
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Hedgen Hedgen is offline
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Default Login Box

I am following PTGigi's exploring system tutorial, and I'm making a page that will be shown whenever the person is offline. It's basically a small "cutscene" kind of thing where after a couple of clicks, someone asks you if it's the first time you are there or if you have been there before (if you click first time, brings up registration box, if you click been there before, it bring up a login box)

How do I make the signup or login forms show up?

My code so far:


if($isloggedin == "no"){ //if not logged in
$act = $_GET["act"];
$act = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $act);
$act = secure($act);

$num = $_GET["num"];
$num = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\040.]/", "", $num);
$num = secure($num);

if ($act == ""){
$article_title = "???";
$article_content = "You find yourself in a strange dark place. You try looking around, and then you see a pair of eyes. Then hundreds more pop up around you. You then see a silhouette of a person.<br><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=tosi'>Head towards the silhouette.</a><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=awsi'>Back away from the silhouette.</a><br>";

else if ($act == "awsi"){ //If back away/keep trying is pressed
$article_title = "???";
$article_content = "No matter how far you walk, it seems like the silhouette isn't getting further and further away.<br><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=awsi'>Keep trying.</a><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=tosi'>Give up and go to the silhouette</a><br>";
else if ($act=="tosi") { //If head towards/give up is pressed
$article_title = "???";
$article_content = "As you walk up to the silhouette, you make out a female shape.<br><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=ttykri'>Talk to her</a><br>";
else if ($act=="ttykri") {
$article_title = "???";
$article_content = "<p style='color:purple'>Yukari: Welcome to the Touhouables Open Beta. Have you been here before? Or are you new?</p><br><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=lin'>I've been here before. (Login)</a><br>
<a href='/beginning.php?act=sigup'>I'm new here. (Register)</a><br>";
else if ($act=="lin") {
//User is not logged in, so let's attempt to log them in...

$username = $_POST["username"];
$username = secure($username);
$password = $_POST["password"];
$password = secure($password);
$salt = $_POST["salt"];
$salt = secure($salt);

//User is not logged in

$loginform = "<form name='form1' method='post' action='login.php'>
     <input name='username' type='text' id='username'>
    <input name='password' type='password' id='password'>
    <input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit'>
  <p>Don't have an account?<br>
  <a href='register.php'>Register Free</a>  </p>
  <a href='forgotpass.php'>Forgot your password?  Click Here</a>

if($loggedinname == "" and $password == ""){
// User is viewing login form
$article_title = "Member Login:";

$article_content = $loginform;
else if(($username != "" and $password == "") or ($username == "" and $password != "") ){

//Something was left blank
$article_title = "Login Error:";
$article_content = "Something was left blank.  Please try logging in again.<br><br>{$loginform}";

else if($username != "" and $password != ""){
// Try to log the user in

$user = $adopts->select("users", array(), "username = '{$username}'")->fetchObject();
$password = passencr($username, $password, $user->salt);

if($username == $user->username and $password == $user->password){
  $article_title = "Login Successful!";
  $article_content = "Welcome back {$username}. You are now logged in.  <a href='account.php'>Click Here to view or edit your account.</a>";

  // Set the cookie
  $Month = 2592000 + time();
  // Convert from username to uid to secure data, no need for password since it is already hashed. 
  $uid = usernametouid($username);
  $session = session_id();
  $myssession = md5($uid.$session);

  // Now update the user login session
  $adopts->update("users", array("session" => $myssession), "username = '{$username}'");

  // Time for forum-integration check
  if($mybbenabled == 1){
     $forums = new Database($mybbdbname, $mybbhost, $mybbuser, $mybbpass, $mybbprefix) or die("Cannot connect to forum database, please contact an admin immediately.");
     $mybbuser = $forums->select("users", array("uid", "loginkey"), "username = '{$username}'")->fetchObject();
     $cookiesettings = array();
     $cookiesettings['cookiedomain'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookiedomain'")->fetchColumn();
     $cookiesettings['cookiepath'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookiepath'")->fetchColumn();
     $cookiesettings['cookieprefix'] = $forums->select("settings", array("value"), "name = 'cookieprefix'")->fetchColumn();
     mybbsetcookie("mybbuser", $mybbuser->uid."_".$mybbuser->loginkey, NULL, true, $cookiesettings);

     $mybbsid = mybb_random_str(32); 
     mybbsetcookie("sid", $mybbsid, -1, true); 
$article_title = "Login Failed!";
$article_content = "Sorry, we could not log you on with the details specified.  You can <a href='login.php'>try again</a> or <a href='forgotpass.php'>request a password reset.</a>";
$fail = 1;
} else { //if logged in
$article_content = "See nothing here? Then logout to be able to see what's here.";

echo showpage($article_title, $article_content, $date);

I am using Mysidia Adoptables version 1.3.1
I have some small tutorials Here that show things such as re-arranging the SIDEFEED and LINKSBAR, and redirecting people after login.
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