Thread: Abandon system
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Old 12-27-2009, 08:25 PM
anjwalker anjwalker is offline
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Default RE: Abandon system

it is but you have to add the extra stuff at the end
This script is not compatible with a gender mod
if you use one a few additions will have to be made:
find in abandon.php

PHP Code:

$aid=@mysql_result($result,$i,"aid"); //The adoptable's ID
$eggimage = getabandonedimage($aid);
add at the end

to show the gender:
go a little down till you see $article_content = $article_content."<br><img src='".$eggimage."' border='0'><br>
add between that and <form name='form1' method='get' action='doadoptab.php'> this:
<b>Gender: </b>".$gender."<br>
That shows the gender to people who will get there abandoned pet
next (more importantly) go to adoptab.php
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','$currentlevel','$totalcli cks', '$code', '','$usealternates','$tradestatus','$isfrozen')");
replace with
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."owned_adoptables VALUES ('', '$type', '$name','$loggedinname','$currentlevel','$totalcli cks', '$code', '','$usealternates','$tradestatus','$isfrozen','$g ender')");

find a bit above $eggimage=getabandonedimage($aid);
and add again
that should do it for that file.
but we aren't done

in the code above(in file myadopts.php) you'll see
add $gender=@mysql_result($result,$i,"gender");
then find
INSERT INTO ".$prefix."abandoned VALUES ('$aid', '$type', '$name','$owner', '$currentlevel', '$totalclicks', '$code', '', '$usealternates', '$tradestatus', '$isfrozen', '$date')");
replace with
mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."abandoned VALUES ('$aid', '$type', '$name','$owner', '$currentlevel', '$totalclicks', '$code', '', '$usealternates', '$tradestatus', '$isfrozen', '$date',$gender)");

well that looks good, but it won't work if you don't add in the table adopts_abandoned a new field gender (with the same options as the gender field from the owned_adoptables)
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