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Old 11-21-2009, 03:07 PM
mywarriorcats mywarriorcats is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Default RE: Reason to make mods donator only...

I was sent a link to this thread by a member here. Are you people serious? I find it rather funny that you are trying to get my server shut down when the script is a free script, and the copyright notice has not been edited and is still in its original spot. Perhaps you aught to use the "view source" function of your browsers before you make such outlandish claims. I would love the chance to file a counter suit on your frivolous case based on misinformation and lies. Do you realize that you are actually putting this site in danger of a lawsuit by your own actions? I guess it's safe to assume the owner of this site is also culpable for your actions since this thread appears to have been allowed to continue for a few days now on his very own website?

Of course you are wrong about many, many things. First of all, did you even review the creative commons website? The creative commons is not a LAW, they are an organization, but they don't even deal with software, and if you took the time to read their FAQ, you would know this.

Do you know anything at all about copyright laws, open source codes, fair use, etc, etc? You people have no idea what your talking about and I had to laugh multiple times when reading this thread. In addition, someone tried to mention that one cannot edit an open source, which is actually untrue. The truth is, editing the code is the backbone of the open source community. In addition, if what you were saying were true, you would all be guilty of violating this non-existent law as I have read on many occasions that you all have actually modified the source code. You can learn a little more about open source here. As for copyright violations in general, perhaps you don't understand that you cannot act on the behalf of another without the consent of the author of the work which there may be a copyright law. The actual author, or a representative of the author is the one who must bring for a complaint of copyright infringement. As far as I can tell, none of you are in such a position.

But who cares about what is factually law, and what is fictitious law, when you have a bunch of young kids who think they can make up the law as they go. But I do hope you realize that your actions based on fictitious law can have very real world consequences. You are doing the author of this site a great disservice with your unwarranted actions. Perhaps you aught to let the author of this FREE script worry about these things? You do realize your actions constitute harassment, right? Consider this your constructive notice, and I will now assume you are aware of this and will either cease your harassment or I will be forced to take legal action of my own. (screen shot taken and saved to hard drive).

I look forward to hearing about your results from my host (assuming you have the right host of course, LOL). :P
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