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Old 11-03-2017, 11:41 AM
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gwynmil gwynmil is offline
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Was busy for a week, now back to messing around. Gonna try to learn and add some more mods myself, so poor Dino won't be piled with a million random small tasks to do later. x)

Added original owner and birthday (Kyttias' mod). They work fine on griffs' Stats pages, but I can't get them to show up on the temporary profiles (levelupview) amongst the other stats.
{$birthday} - shows nothing
{$this->birthday} - shows nothing
{$adopt->getBirthday()} - causes error
I don't yet understand the difference between all these methods. When is it appropriate to use each one?

edit: nevermind, {$adopt->birthday} was the way to go. D'oh. Also the background mod is mysteriously working now, hooray!

Birth dates seem to be delayed by a few hours. I stayed up til the early hours and made some griffs; they had the previous day. Made another this afternoon and it's the correct date. Is the game using an American time system or something?

Finally, when errors are turned on, holy balls. Every page of the site has this mess at the top, before things load normally. I guess it can be safely ignored again, but it would be quite nice to fix it, so I can see what causes errors elsewhere.
The offending line: if($this->thematicBreak) $this->renderThematicBreak();
edit: removed that line and errors are mostly gone, whew.

Last edited by gwynmil; 11-03-2017 at 12:31 PM.
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