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Hall of Famer 03-22-2011 04:46 PM

Mysidia Adoptables v1.2.1[Security Release]
I'd like to announce that Mysidia Adoptables v1.2.1 is now officially released to public. This is a security release that adds two new features while fixing almost all glitches found from Mys v1.2.0. The change log can be viewed below:

New Features:
1. Adoptable Class: An adoptables class determines whether two adoptables of different genders can interbreed. Only adoptables that belong to the same adoptable class can breed successfully, of course adoptables of the same species/types can breed without any problem.
2. Message Report: Starting from Mys v1.2.1 users can report unwanted or spammy private messages to admins. The report button can be found at the bottom of read private message page, and the entire message will be forwarded to an admin.

Fixed Glitches and Issues:
1. BBcodes convert error for pages.php and tos.php
2. Admins cannot edit/delete adoptables through ACP
3. Users can cheat for cash by clicking on frozen adoptables
4. Users can adopt duplicate pets by clicking on backward button on browser
5. Malfunction of who's online script

To install the script, simply upload all files within the folder 'Installation' to your adoptables directory. It should be quite self-explanatory, read ChibiKawaii's tutorials if you have trouble installing the script. Note the installer script is inside the folder 'Install', it can be accessed easily.

To upgrade from Mysidia Adoptables version 1.2.0, you will have to do is to upload files within the folder 'Upgrade' to your adoptables directory. When it asks you whether to overwrite your old files, choose yes to proceed. After this is done, run the upgrader script and follow the instructions as provided. It should take only a few secs to upgrade. Keep in mind that the upgrader script is in the 'Install' folder, you may access it through the following link below:

or if you are using a subdirectory, use this:

After upgrading to Mys v1.2.0, please do remove your upgrader script file through ftp to prevent security issues in future. This upgrader script only works for users running Mys v1.2.0, do not use if you are running an older version of Mysidia Adoptables. I will try to make a more complicated upgrader to allow users to upgrade from Mys v1.1.x to Mys v1.2.x, but not sure when it will be available.

I've uploaded both an rar and a zip file for Mys v1.2.0, please download from the links below and report to me if you encounter any errors. Have a nice weekend everyone, I hope you all like it.

Mys v1.2.1 rar download:

Mys v1.2.1 zip download:

ChibiMaestro 03-22-2011 04:57 PM

Did you fix the profile.php page? When a new user registers and they haven't modified their profile yet, their "avatar" and "featured adoptable" is corrupted. I did fix the avatar on my site, but couldn't fix the featured adoptable :3 (I need to learn more PHP XD).

ToonDartist 03-22-2011 08:30 PM

Is it possible, if you wanted, to change it from avatars to larger pets, who collect the smaller adoptables?

Rozel 03-22-2011 09:30 PM

o.o That's interesting, Toon. xD All I can say.

ToonDartist 03-22-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rozel (Post 15679)
o.o That's interesting, Toon. xD All I can say.

I feel a little silly now for posting that here as it just dawned on me how this is like an announcement thread. Just my excitement for V1.2 got the best of me and i just had to ask, but yea thats kind of the theme for my web site. I got a script that will allow users to create pets and i was trying to figure out how i can use this script and the MAS1.2 together. If any of you php prodigies wouldn't mind assisting me in this, i would be so greatly appreciative, i can even send you the script if needed.

Rozel 03-22-2011 11:05 PM

Yeah, I don't know if this is the right area to put it. You may move over your post to the Questions areas. But good luck! It sounds really cool. ^_^

Hall of Famer 03-22-2011 11:27 PM

@Chibi: Nope, I didnt know about this. This does not seem to be a glitch though, but I dont mind fixing it. A possible way to do this is to assign a default avatar to newbies who do not set their avatar upon registration. The featured adoptables, on the other hand, can be hidden from a user's profile if he/she has yet to adopt anything.

@ToonDartist: I dont quite get what you are saying. If you are requesting a highly customized feature for your own need, it is recommended that you post a thread in suggestion section and hope for a coder to make a mod for you.

shiann 03-23-2011 05:43 PM

Awwww, right after I download 1.2.0. >> Ah well, I haven't started any work on it, so... :3

Hall of Famer 03-23-2011 05:45 PM

Well yeah, you can just remove Mys v1.2.0 and install a fresh copy of Mys v1.2.1 if you want to, you may also run the upgrader script to save you some time.

Sensacionsk8 03-26-2011 09:02 AM

fantastic!, thanks for this version 1.2.1, Whenever the script is getting better :pleased:

elfhome 03-26-2011 09:56 AM

I'm getting this error:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'cruxispr_mys'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/a8900600/public_html/adoptables/install/upgrade.php on line 21

What is it??? (I'm so confused right now) :P

Edit: Nevermind. XD I've got coffee in me now so my brain figured it out.
Note to self: never install site when tired.

I love the new features, though. It saves me the trouble of poking around the code myself.

Hall of Famer 03-26-2011 05:31 PM

Well Elfhome, why dont you upgrade your site when you already have Mys v1.2.0 installed?

Anyway Its a mistake for me to have included the config.php file of my demo site in Mys v1.2.1. I have updated the download links to fix this problem, sorry about that. ^^

elfhome 03-26-2011 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Hall of Famer (Post 15806)
Well Elfhome, why dont you upgrade your site when you already have Mys v1.2.0 installed?

Anyway Its a mistake for me to have included the config.php file of my demo site in Mys v1.2.1. I have updated the download links to fix this problem, sorry about that. ^^

LOL Because it was early in the morning and I hadn't had my coffee yet...

Zero(Skyter) 04-03-2011 06:00 PM

This was fast...
What are clases?

DragonTamerChris 04-03-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Zero(Skyter) (Post 15934)
This was fast...
What are clases?

HoF explains "Adoptable Classes" in the first post. If the adoptables are in the same "adoptable class" they can breed. (Provided that it's a male and female adoptable breeding.)

Hall of Famer 04-04-2011 02:44 PM

Well yeah, adoptables class is a new parameter that determines if your two adoptables of different species can interbreed, as Chris has explained before.

btw, Mys v1.2.2 will be released in about 5-10 days from now, hope you guys like it then.

Solistia 04-04-2011 03:07 PM

I am very much looking forward to the new release =D

bruno954 04-10-2011 11:53 AM

Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\Arquivos de programas\VertrigoServ\www\inc\functions.php on line 210

Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in C:\Arquivos de programas\VertrigoServ\www\index.php on line 81 :ohnoes:

help me

Kaeliah 04-10-2011 12:33 PM

bruno, please post a question in the questions and support forum(not the question and suggestion one) and also include this information:

Installing or Upgrading(if upgrading from which version)?
and your host and any other relevant information.
Did you go through the installation? What page are you having trouble with?

Hall of Famer 04-10-2011 09:44 PM

umm this sounds a bit interesting...

C:\Arquivos de programas\VertrigoServ\www\index.php

Why is it C:\... instead of http://...? Are you using linux hosting service?

fadillzzz 04-11-2011 04:00 AM

He's probably using this on his localhost

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