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Aasixx 08-28-2012 04:56 PM

How to: Install MyBB
Well, I know a lot of people want to know how to integrate MyBB to their forums and I recently discovered how to successfully get that to work. I'll be explaining that here. You need to already have Mysidia Adoptables adopts files installed on your site. Gloometh created an amazing video tutorial on how to install it!

* You need to be sure that you have set mybbenabled to 1 in config_forums.php before you do anything!

Installing it onto your File Manager
1) First you need to install the latest version of MyBB here.
2) Next, you need to make sure you have Filezilla downloaded, too. You can download it here. Then you will need winrar. Download it here.
3) Login to your control panel (I'll be using x10hosting as my example. I'm pretty sure whatever is your host is no different from x10) and find Click it and continue to step 4.
4) Create a new database and call it mybbforum (so, yourusername_mybbforum) and just add your username you created to install the script with to the mybbforum one. Click "All Privileges"
5) You need to go to your File Manger and create a new folder called "forum" to put all of your mybb files into without it getting all mixed up with your Mys script files.
) Next, you need to unzip the mybb files. All you need to do is click "Extract Here" and then it'll open the unzipped files in another winrar window.
6) Open Filezilla. Type in your host's name (NO http:// or www) your username, and password. Leave the "Port" blank and hit "Quick Connect." Open public_html once Filezilla has connected.
7) Find the folder you created called "forum" and drag the "inc" folder into Filezilla and it'll begin uploading all of your mybb files. There's over 700 files so it will take a while.


Once you have uploaded all of your files, go to yourdomain/forum/insall/index.php - they're automatically already all writable so you won't have to CHOMD anything. You'll need to go back into MySQL database manager to grab your database's name (the mybbforum one) and the username. Don't change anything that's already set for you. Just fill in where it's blank. Go to your new forum's administration control panel, go to configuration and look for "User Registrations etc" and disable new user registrations it won't work unless you do that. Once everything is finished, you can visit your new MyBB forum at yourdomain/forum !

If you need screenshots, let me know and I'll gladly add them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)

Zeref 08-29-2012 03:04 AM

Nice to see that your making a tutorial for users who don't know how to install it.
Maybe you could screenshot the installation progress and use the images in your post?

Derpstra 08-29-2012 02:10 PM

Ummm...this is EXACTLY what I did and it didn't work for me. :C

Aasixx 08-29-2012 05:15 PM

Really? Try deleting all of the mybb files and try again. You may have accidentally missed something. I'll post screen shots very soon.

Nemesis 08-29-2012 09:13 PM

How to install MyBB, As Told By Nemesis.

1.Sign up at Free
2.Log in and create a site/domain
3.Click auto installer icon
4.Find MyBB among all the free scripts we offer
5.Fill in some fields and Click Install
6. ???
7. Profit

Hall of Famer 08-30-2012 04:55 AM

umm Nemesis are you sure MyBB can be installed easily on your web hosting service? As far as I know, auto-installers such as SimpleScript and Fantastico do not support MyBB yet at this point.

Zeref 08-30-2012 07:47 AM

Softaculous supports mybb. most recent hosts have this installer.
But it's better if you don't rely on such systems and just have a good tutorial from the start.

Nemesis 08-30-2012 12:15 PM

We have our own unique auto installer so yes it works flawlessly. I have an adopt site connected to mybb and it works perfectly. To bad for those other hosts then :P

Aasixx has a very good guide though but I was just pointing out my easier method. I can do both methods but since I only have few hours a day to do all the things i need to online I will choose the auto installer.

Zeref 08-30-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nemesis (Post 24620)
We have our own unique auto installer so yes it works flawlessly. I have an adopt site connected to mybb and it works perfectly. To bad for those other hosts then :P

Aasixx has a very good guide though but I was just pointing out my easier method. I can do both methods but since I only have few hours a day to do all the things i need to online I will choose the auto installer.

Well that might be true, but you have people who preffer a certain host, but softaculous also gives mybb as install option so it wont be an issue for them.
Anyway I can help finetune this tutorial?

Derpstra 08-30-2012 04:18 PM

I can assure you I did not skip a step. When I have it enabled and I disable forum registration, it gives new users and error and does not allow them to register for either.

Kyttias 02-10-2014 10:33 PM

I hate to say it, but I'm having trouble with this. Whether it is set to 1 or 0, the same error is still thrown when I try to access the install file. So I can't even install it, let alone integrate it. So a few crucial questions, since this thread is old:

Which version of MyBB am I supposed to be using? An exact release version, please. The latest version was released in December, after Mysidia's 1.3.4 release in August.

Where is the forum folder supposed to be? I am lead to believe I just create and open up a folder right next to all the others and plop the contents of MyBB inside, and then attempt to visit the install page in my browser. Well, I can't. I just get an error.

Possible things I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not: A) Merging all the files with Mysidia (this sounds like a bad idea, since many share the same file names). B) Creating Mysidia in a subfolder and forums in another subfolder, which would lead to my domain not having mysidia or mybb as the index, and that wouldn't make sense.

What I am doing: Creating a folder called forum inside of Mysidia, with Mysidia's other existing folders next to it.

I would like to note I can't seem to follow the initial directions because I'm lost at why we were only installing one folder from the MyBB Upload folder that came in the latest download release - "Inc" apparently - but not the other dozen folders and misc files that came with the download? That sounded stupid, a forum needs all it's files, not just one folder. Or am I supposed to be copying the Inc folder and merging it with Mysidia's Inc folder? I don't even know, that wasn't clear to me.

So I put the entire contents of the Upload folder that came with my MyBB download into a folder I made in my Mysidia directory called Forum. I directed my browser to <where Mysidia is installed>/forum/install/ and got:

PHP Code:

( ! ) Warning: require(../inc/config.php): failed to open streamNo such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\classes\class_initializer.php on line 97
Call Stack
#    Time    Memory    Function    Location
1    0.0078    273536    {main}( )    ..\index.php:0
2    0.0214    388128    IndexController
::main( )    ..\index.php:78
3    0.0214    388488    Initializer
->__construct( )    ..\index.php:68
4    0.0215    388664    Initializer
->initialize( )    ..\class_initializer.php:45

( ! ) Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '../inc/config.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear'in C:\wamp\www\Mysidia\classes\class_initializer.php on line 97
Call Stack
#    Time    Memory    Function    Location
1    0.0078    273536    {main}( )    ..\index.php:0
2    0.0214    388128    IndexController
::main( )    ..\index.php:78
3    0.0214    388488    Initializer
->__construct( )    ..\index.php:68
4    0.0215    388664    Initializer
->initialize( )    ..\class_initializer.php:45 

And, again, I get that whether $mybbenabled is 1 or 0.

(It's perfectly okay the latest version, 1.6.12, isn't working. I'm just upset I can't find anywhere on this site any listing as to what the most recent version that was working was.)

squiggler 02-10-2014 10:50 PM

HoF wrote about it here:

Forum Integration Guide:

First of all, make sure you have both fresh installation of Mysidia Adoptables and MyBB forum. Open the file /inc/config_forums.php, enter each empty field for the database info of your MyBB forum. Then Change the variable mybbenabled from 0 to 1. The very last step is to disable registration on the forum. It is all said and done, new users will have accounts created from both the adoptables site and the forum from now on. In Mys v1.3.4 they also log into site and forum accounts simultaneously! The forum stats is automatically updated whenever a new registration is completed, so there is no need for admins to update forum stats in ACP from now on. Note the forum integration has been upgraded and thus it should work with the latest version of MyBB. Lemme know immediately if it does not, I will take action asap.
That's all I can tell you.

Kyttias 02-10-2014 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by squiggler (Post 28963)
HoF wrote about it here:

That's all I can tell you.

Yes, I read that. And it doesn't list what version he's referring to. Mysidia 1.3.4 was released in August, but the latest version of MyBB, 1.6.12, was released in December, four months later, so that is not the "latest version" he was referring to. There's a great chance the prior version will work, but I can't find where to download old versions on the MyBB website, even if knowing what version to look for wasn't the matter.

I'll bother HoF about it tonight on AIM if he's around. *sad sigh*

I was mostly just wondering if I was doing anything wrong with where I was putting it? It could always be idiocy on my part.

Hall of Famer 02-10-2014 11:58 PM

Well it should work with the latest version of MyBB. I know one common cause of error is that people do not include a custom blank .htaccess in MyBB forum directory. This results in MyBB forum's url being redirected to Mysidia Adoptable's index page, causing problems like file not found error. This happens if you have MyBB forum as a sub-directory in your mysidia adoptables root folder, since by default all subdirectories in Mysidia Adoptables will be subject to its url-rewrite rule.

I am not sure if it applies to your issue, but you can give a try fixing it by uploading the .htaccess file in Mysidia Adoptables install folder to the forum folder. MyBB also comes with a .htaccess file, but its not in the correct format so it does not work. You can get it to work by changing it from htaccess.txt to .htaccess.

Also if you want to talk to me about this issue on AIM, all you have to do is to drop me an offline message. I will see it whenever I am available.

Kyttias 02-11-2014 12:33 AM

Thankyou, that fixed it!

Hall of Famer 02-11-2014 11:59 PM

Thats great to know, enjoy.

aiiree 03-23-2016 11:38 PM

So I thought you were suppose to put it in the "INC" folder and thats what I did, so my di path seems to be
if i just moed forum out of inc into the main area...would that mess it up?

Hall of Famer 03-25-2016 04:16 PM

Well if you are asking about how to install MyBB forum, Id suggest you go to MyBB's support forum for help. If you do have a working forum but cant get forum integration to work though, I can offer you some advice on that one.

aiiree 03-25-2016 05:59 PM

Sorry I figured it out now, m yissue was that the version of mybb i was using wasn't compatible and so I had to find an earlier version, now it all works!

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