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Gulliver 08-15-2015 11:12 AM

Can’t use admincp after fresh install
Hi, I would like to use this script; this is what I’ve done to make it work:

1) After installation, I had the “smarty class” error. I’ve fixed it following these instructions:
(My path structure is different > “members/mysite/”)
2) Then, I had this problem: (except for the “MAMP” thing part, I don’t even know what it is XD)
I’ve fixed it adding “RewriteBase /” in .htaccess file
3) Now the user front-end site works fine (You can login and do everything), but the admincp still doesn’t work.

This is what shows up:


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../inc/config.php' (include_path='.:') in /members/mysite/classes/class_initializer.php on line 97
If I go directly to “admincp/index.php” (instead of “admincp” only), I see the panel (while all other admincp pages still give the same error) and I can login. However, If I do the latter action, this message shows up:


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'LanguageException' with message 'Language var default does not exist.' in /members/mysite/classes/class_language.php:68 Stack trace: #0 /members/mysite/admincp/view/admincpview.php(18): Language->__get('default') #1 /members/mysite/classes/class_frontcontroller.php(100): AdminCPView->index() #2 /members/mysite/admincp/index.php(109): FrontController->render() #3 /members/mysite/admincp/index.php(113): AdminCP::main() #4 {main} thrown in /members/mysite/classes/class_language.php on line 68
And it shows up in all admincp pages (as long as the “login session” lasts).

Can you help me solve this problem? =)

I hope everything is clear… my English isn’t so bad… is it? XD

Kyttias 08-16-2015 02:23 PM

1) What does the line you changed look like now so we can confirm it's correctness?
2) Using "RewriteBase /" will break everything. Don't do that. The base for rewriting must be routed through the index and no changes should be made to that file unless you know what you're doing. Things are probably not working because the changes from 1 are wrong.
3) That's because because of 2.

So, undo all changes. In 1 I believe the line should be:
$this->root = "/home/yoursitename/public_html/members/mysite/";

I still don't know what your site name is, but you get the idea?

If it's not what you have, what do you have? I'm pretty sure all the rest of the errors revolve around this.

Hall of Famer 08-17-2015 01:03 AM

Well did you read this stickied thread? It may have answers to your problem:

Anyway I am sure your problem is not unique, there used to be users struggling with ACP before. I will see if I can find any older threads with similar errors you have received.

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