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Old 03-11-2012, 07:37 PM
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AlexC AlexC is offline
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Changed the list slightly - can't believe I missed the pagination thing, man, some days I just blank. xD

Concerning the things you weren't sure about;

- Random Adoptable Click Page: People were wondering about a nursery or click site style page - 20ish adoptables that you can click on, and then refresh for a set of adoptables that you didn't click. I guess it's kinda already on there, just on a smaller scale.

- Previous Owner: I dunno who created it, they may not convert it over or even be on mysidia anymore.

- Pet Shows: Some person awhile ago created a mod (and I think someone suggested it too) for a "pet show" - kinda like a beauty contest or popularity contest or something. Not sure how to do it though.

- Arcade with Money Giving: A few people requested arcades with games that gave out money or items when you submitted your score.

- Time/Seasons/Clock: I'm not too sure either, but I think it could tie into a few things - like a breeding season, or adoptables only purchasable in a certain time frame.
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