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Old 04-15-2013, 11:16 AM
Ruinily Ruinily is offline
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Cool. ^_^ Though from my experience of many many English knick knack shops their usually stuffed full of stuff from the rafters to the floor lol. And I I've seen all sorts in them from full suits of armor to stuffed crocs... So its not just the tidal wave of watches, perfume bottles, little statues, Victorian tweezers and coins from all eras.. :P To me knick knack shops are about searching through all the junk and finding that one precious gem. I dont know if you mean pound shops too, but their pretty similar, just with all brand new cheap stuff instead... Anyways my point is for anyone redoing that theme for their own site I'd add in a bunch of objects to the background and the header if possible. ^_^ I'm happy to see others thinking about the little knick knack shops too!

Chocolate butterfly cat pudding. o.o

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