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Old 05-16-2017, 11:29 AM
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kristhasirah kristhasirah is offline
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just want to point out that the progress bar dont work in all the browsers, specially old ones, to "fix" this you need to create a div like progress bar : <-- there you will find the "fix" for that =)
in short you just need to add the css codes to your style.css and call them with the div:
PHP Code:
<progress max='100' value='{$health}'>
div class="progress-bar">
span style='width: 80%;'>Progress80%</span>
just replace the 80% with the {$health} or the status you created and you need to add max-width: 100px(or the max value of the status); to the .progress-bar > span {

you might need to remove 1 or 2px from the max-width... sometimes the filled bar gets out of the container by that.
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