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Old 12-02-2017, 04:57 PM
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gwynmil gwynmil is offline
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This mod works perfectly, thank you! :D

I have a question though. Is it possible for one breed (adopt type) to be available from multiple shops?

Most of my griffins have randomly generated hex colours and, well, you can imagine how hideous it gets haha. So I'd like to have shops selling preset white/black/brown versions of most breeds, to help players get started in their selective breeding goals. Setting up each shop to generate its own colour scheme is no problem, but I'm stuck on how to actually make the breeds available... ^^' Any ideas?

edit: oh, noticed these lines, 54-57

PHP Code:
$ids $mysidia->db->select("adoptables", array("id"), "shop='pale'")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
$total = ($ids)?count($ids):0
If I'm reading it correctly, it scans the table to pick up breeds with that shop assigned. Would it be a wise idea to manually write an array of desired breed IDs here, instead? Or would it mess something up?

Last edited by gwynmil; 12-02-2017 at 05:38 PM.
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