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Old 10-25-2018, 12:25 PM
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Kyttias Kyttias is offline
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This is my take on it, and I apologize for the harshness, but, I'm going to say there's about a 95% chance no one here can help you.

The short story - Mysidia and Wordpress are not compatible.
The long story - You'd have to pay someone knowledgeable in both to help link all that. (Which is harder than it sounds.)

Wordpress is a website building tool designed around people who aren't really expected to know how to write their own code. If you have design built from scratch, rather than one built with a website building tool, then you can make that into a Mysidia theme template really easily. If you don't have that, you will need to find someone recreate the entire look you've spent time on, this time, with html and css instead of a website building tool.

However, even if you can make it look like the same website on the outside, if there are member-only features on the rest of your Wordpress site, they would still have to make an entirely separate account for Mysidia and log in entirely separately, unless you can find someone knowledgeable enough to create those links in a database and generate proper session cookies to log in to both websites simultaneously.

Finding someone who knows what they're doing and is willing to do it will be difficult. We're a very small community of people who also do this as a hobby. Even if we could help, in theory, we may not have the time to invest in such a complicated endeavor. I certainly don't, and no amount of money could get me to look at the tangle of spaghetti code that is the internal Wordpress engine.

If you're super lucky, Mysidia's owner will magically appear and have sudden deep interest in hooking up with Wordpress for the next version of Mysidia, but, I really wouldn't hold my breath.

You'd have just as much luck asking in Wordpress-land for help when it comes to integrated login. Maybe someone would be willing to take a glance and has experience in hooking up generic third party websites.

As a starting point, the developer would need to emulate what's going on with functions/functions_forums.php and the lines around include("inc/config_forums.php"); in both classes/class_visitor.php and classes/class_member.php -- this was designed around hooking about a MyBB forum and would need to be modified depending on the needs of Wordpress.

As a final note, for full disclosure - I would just recommend not using Mysidia and hiring someone experienced in Wordpress to bounce your ideas off of and get something custom built to suit your pet site needs. Mysidia is out dated and has security flaws and I wouldn't recommend it's use. For the amount of effort it would take to hook it up to Wordpress, you'd be better coding your own pet site. More than half the code in Mysidia is just doing the same thing Wordpress does - making a design template, writing pages, and having members log in. It'd be pretty redundant.
Please do not contact me directly outside of Mysidia.
I also cannot troubleshoot code more than two years old - I legit don't remember it.

Last edited by Kyttias; 10-25-2018 at 12:30 PM.
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