Thread: Free Hosts?
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Old 12-13-2012, 04:24 PM
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powerchaos powerchaos is offline
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i used x10 hosting a long time ago ( about 5 years ago or even longer ago) when there was still a traffic limit

the reason why most hosts does not upgrade there php is because not everything is compitable with php 5.3 (unlike before )
a example is vbulletin , if you got a vbulletin 3 forum , then it will NOT work (lot of sesion errors and dublicate header errors ) unless they got that fixed in a patch

also mybb was having trouble with it ( i think it was 1.2 ) that shows some strange code that dit not get executed/reconised by php and only worked on 5.2

then you probaly wonder why they do not use multi php like some hosts does

well , to install that part , you need to install differend php instalations , configure them manual and use htacces to add a header handler
if 1 version got tweaked then the other need to be tweaked also , to run them at the same time can also give performance problems
and there are a few more reasons , try to update the php 5.3 version when main version is 5.2 .. probaly the 5.2 get updated, trows some errors and the 5.3 will even fail to work ( dublicated php or files or those errors you do not want to have )

from the days i was with x10 then they where great

Greetings From PowerChaos
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