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Old 01-15-2017, 05:51 PM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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Default Problem :(

I have tried to install a theme and somehow I've messed up something along the way... everytime I load my web address it shows this message:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'Unable to load template file 'template.tpl'' in /home/equiland/public_html/inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php:127 Stack trace: #0 /home/equiland/public_html/inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(374): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('template.tpl', NULL, NULL, NULL, true) #1 /home/equiland/public_html/classes/class_template.php(135): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display('template.tpl') #2 /home/equiland/public_html/classes/class_view.php(280): Template->output() #3 /home/equiland/public_html/classes/class_frontcontroller.php(102): View->render() #4 /home/equiland/public_html/index.php(74): FrontController->render() #5 /home/equiland/public_html/index.php(78): IndexController::main() #6 {main} thrown in /home/equiland/public_html/inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 127

I have opened the file: /home/equiland/public_html/inc/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php and this is what it shows:

* Smarty Internal Plugin Smarty Template Base
* This file contains the basic shared methodes for template handling
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Template
* @author Uwe Tews

* Class with shared template methodes
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Template
abstract class Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase extends Smarty_Internal_Data {

* fetches a rendered Smarty template
* @param string $template the resource handle of the template file or template object
* @param mixed $cache_id cache id to be used with this template
* @param mixed $compile_id compile id to be used with this template
* @param object $parent next higher level of Smarty variables
* @param bool $display true: display, false: fetch
* @param bool $merge_tpl_vars if true parent template variables merged in to local scope
* @param bool $no_output_filter if true do not run output filter
* @return string rendered template output
public function fetch($template = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $parent = null, $display = false, $merge_tpl_vars = true, $no_output_filter = false)
if ($template === null && $this instanceof $this->template_class) {
$template = $this;
if (!empty($cache_id) && is_object($cache_id)) {
$parent = $cache_id;
$cache_id = null;
if ($parent === null && ($this instanceof Smarty || is_string($template))) {
$parent = $this;
// create template object if necessary
$_template = ($template instanceof $this->template_class)
? $template
: $this->smarty->createTemplate($template, $cache_id, $compile_id, $parent, false);
// if called by Smarty object make sure we use current caching status
if ($this instanceof Smarty) {
$_template->caching = $this->caching;
// merge all variable scopes into template
if ($merge_tpl_vars) {
// save local variables
$save_tpl_vars = $_template->tpl_vars;
$save_config_vars = $_template->config_vars;
$ptr_array = array($_template);
$ptr = $_template;
while (isset($ptr->parent)) {
$ptr_array[] = $ptr = $ptr->parent;
$ptr_array = array_reverse($ptr_array);
$parent_ptr = reset($ptr_array);
$tpl_vars = $parent_ptr->tpl_vars;
$config_vars = $parent_ptr->config_vars;
while ($parent_ptr = next($ptr_array)) {
if (!empty($parent_ptr->tpl_vars)) {
$tpl_vars = array_merge($tpl_vars, $parent_ptr->tpl_vars);
if (!empty($parent_ptr->config_vars)) {
$config_vars = array_merge($config_vars, $parent_ptr->config_vars);
if (!empty(Smarty::$global_tpl_vars)) {
$tpl_vars = array_merge(Smarty::$global_tpl_vars, $tpl_vars);
$_template->tpl_vars = $tpl_vars;
$_template->config_vars = $config_vars;
// dummy local smarty variable
if (!isset($_template->tpl_vars['smarty'])) {
$_template->tpl_vars['smarty'] = new Smarty_Variable;
if (isset($this->smarty->error_reporting)) {
$_smarty_old_error_level = error_reporting($this->smarty->error_reporting);
// check URL debugging control
if (!$this->smarty->debugging && $this->smarty->debugging_ctrl == 'URL') {
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$_query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
} else {
$_query_string = '';
if (false !== strpos($_query_string, $this->smarty->smarty_debug_id)) {
if (false !== strpos($_query_string, $this->smarty->smarty_debug_id . '=on')) {
// enable debugging for this browser session
setcookie('SMARTY_DEBUG', true);
$this->smarty->debugging = true;
} elseif (false !== strpos($_query_string, $this->smarty->smarty_debug_id . '=off')) {
// disable debugging for this browser session
setcookie('SMARTY_DEBUG', false);
$this->smarty->debugging = false;
} else {
// enable debugging for this page
$this->smarty->debugging = true;
} else {
if (isset($_COOKIE['SMARTY_DEBUG'])) {
$this->smarty->debugging = true;
// must reset merge template date
$_template->smarty->merged_templates_func = array();
// get rendered template
// disable caching for evaluated code
if ($_template->source->recompiled) {
$_template->caching = false;
// checks if template exists
if (!$_template->source->exists) {
if ($_template->parent instanceof Smarty_Internal_Template) {
$parent_resource = " in '{$_template->parent->template_resource}'";
} else {
$parent_resource = '';
throw new SmartyException("Unable to load template {$_template->source->type} '{$_template->source->name}'{$parent_resource}");
// read from cache or render
if (!($_template->caching == Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT || $_template->caching == Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED) || !$_template->cached->valid) {
// render template (not loaded and not in cache)
if (!$_template->source->uncompiled) {
$_smarty_tpl = $_template;
if ($_template->source->recompiled) {
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
$code = $_template->compiler->compileTemplate($_template);
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
try {
eval("?>" . $code);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} else {
if (!$_template->compiled->exists || ($_template->smarty->force_compile && !$_template->compiled->isCompiled)) {
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
if (!$_template->compiled->loaded) {
if ($_template->mustCompile) {
// recompile and load again
$_template->compiled->loaded = true;
} else {
$_template->decodeProperties($_template->compiled->_properties, false);
try {
if (empty($_template->properties['unifunc']) || !is_callable($_template->properties['unifunc'])) {
throw new SmartyException("Invalid compiled template for '{$_template->template_resource}'");
// render compiled template
// any unclosed {capture} tags ?
if (isset($_template->_capture_stack[0][0])) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} else {
if ($_template->source->uncompiled) {
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} else {
throw new SmartyException("Resource '$_template->source->type' must have 'renderUncompiled' method");
$_output = ob_get_clean();
if (!$_template->source->recompiled && empty($_template->properties['file_dependency'][$_template->source->uid])) {
$_template->properties['file_dependency'][$_template->source->uid] = array($_template->source->filepath, $_template->source->timestamp, $_template->source->type);
if ($_template->parent instanceof Smarty_Internal_Template) {
$_template->parent->properties['file_dependency'] = array_merge($_template->parent->properties['file_dependency'], $_template->properties['file_dependency']);
foreach ($_template->required_plugins as $code => $tmp1) {
foreach ($tmp1 as $name => $tmp) {
foreach ($tmp as $type => $data) {
$_template->parent->required_plugins[$code][$name][$type] = $data;
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
// write to cache when nessecary
if (!$_template->source->recompiled && ($_template->caching == Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED || $_template->caching == Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT)) {
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
$_template->properties['has_nocache_code'] = false;
// get text between non-cached items
$cache_split = preg_split("!/\*%%SmartyNocache:{$_template->properties['nocache_hash']}%%\*\/(.+?)/\*/%%SmartyNocache:{$_template->properties['nocache_hash']}%%\*/!s", $_output);
// get non-cached items
preg_match_all("!/\*%%SmartyNocache:{$_template->properties['nocache_hash']}%%\*\/(.+?)/\*/%%SmartyNocache:{$_template->properties['nocache_hash']}%%\*/!s", $_output, $cache_parts);
$output = '';
// loop over items, stitch back together
foreach ($cache_split as $curr_idx => $curr_split) {
// escape PHP tags in template content
$output .= preg_replace('/(<%|%>|<\?php|<\?|\?>)/', '<?php echo \'$1\'; ?>', $curr_split);
if (isset($cache_parts[0][$curr_idx])) {
$_template->properties['has_nocache_code'] = true;
// remove nocache tags from cache output
$output .= preg_replace("!/\*/?%%SmartyNocache:{$_template->properties['nocache_hash']}%%\*/!", '', $cache_parts[0][$curr_idx]);
if (!$no_output_filter && !$_template->has_nocache_code && (isset($this->smarty->autoload_filters['output']) || isset($this->smarty->registered_filters['output']))) {
$output = Smarty_Internal_Filter_Handler::runFilter('output' , $output, $_template);
// rendering (must be done before writing cache file because of {function} nocache handling)
$_smarty_tpl = $_template;
try {
eval("?>" . $output);
$_output = ob_get_clean();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// write cache file content
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
} else {
// var_dump('renderTemplate', $_template->has_nocache_code, $_template->template_resource, $_template->properties['nocache_hash'], $_template->parent->properties['nocache_hash'], $_output);
if (!empty($_template->properties['nocache_hash']) && !empty($_template->parent->properties['nocache_hash'])) {
// replace nocache_hash
$_output = str_replace("{$_template->properties['nocache_hash']}", $_template->parent->properties['nocache_hash'], $_output);
$_template->parent->has_nocache_code = $_template->parent->has_nocache_code || $_template->has_nocache_code;
} else {
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
try {
// render cached template
// any unclosed {capture} tags ?
if (isset($_template->_capture_stack[0][0])) {
$_output = ob_get_clean();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
if ((!$this->caching || $_template->has_nocache_code || $_template->source->recompiled) && !$no_output_filter && (isset($this->smarty->autoload_filters['output']) || isset($this->smarty->registered_filters['output']))) {
$_output = Smarty_Internal_Filter_Handler::runFilter('output' , $_output, $_template);
if (isset($this->error_reporting)) {
// display or fetch
if ($display) {
if ($this->caching && $this->cache_modified_check) {
$_isCached = $_template->isCached() && !$_template->has_nocache_code;
$_last_modified_date = @substr($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 'GMT') + 3);
if ($_isCached && $_template->cached->timestamp <= strtotime($_last_modified_date)) {
switch (PHP_SAPI) {
case 'cgi': // php-cgi < 5.3
case 'cgi-fcgi': // php-cgi >= 5.3
case 'fpm-fcgi': // php-fpm >= 5.3.3
header('Status: 304 Not Modified');

case 'cli':
if (/* ^phpunit */!empty($_SERVER['SMARTY_PHPUNIT_DISABLE_HEADERS'])/* phpunit$ */) {
$_SERVER['SMARTY_PHPUNIT_HEADERS'][] = '304 Not Modified';

header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 304 Not Modified');
} else {
switch (PHP_SAPI) {
case 'cli':
if (/* ^phpunit */!empty($_SERVER['SMARTY_PHPUNIT_DISABLE_HEADERS'])/* phpunit$ */) {
$_SERVER['SMARTY_PHPUNIT_HEADERS'][] = 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $_template->cached->timestamp) . ' GMT';

header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $_template->cached->timestamp) . ' GMT');
echo $_output;
} else {
echo $_output;
// debug output
if ($this->smarty->debugging) {
if ($merge_tpl_vars) {
// restore local variables
$_template->tpl_vars = $save_tpl_vars;
$_template->config_vars = $save_config_vars;
} else {
if ($merge_tpl_vars) {
// restore local variables
$_template->tpl_vars = $save_tpl_vars;
$_template->config_vars = $save_config_vars;
// return fetched content
return $_output;

* displays a Smarty template
* @param string $template the resource handle of the template file or template object
* @param mixed $cache_id cache id to be used with this template
* @param mixed $compile_id compile id to be used with this template
* @param object $parent next higher level of Smarty variables
public function display($template = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $parent = null)
// display template
$this->fetch($template, $cache_id, $compile_id, $parent, true);

* test if cache is valid
* @param string|object $template the resource handle of the template file or template object
* @param mixed $cache_id cache id to be used with this template
* @param mixed $compile_id compile id to be used with this template
* @param object $parent next higher level of Smarty variables
* @return boolean cache status
public function isCached($template = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $parent = null)
if ($template === null && $this instanceof $this->template_class) {
return $this->cached->valid;
if (!($template instanceof $this->template_class)) {
if ($parent === null) {
$parent = $this;
$template = $this->smarty->createTemplate($template, $cache_id, $compile_id, $parent, false);
// return cache status of template
return $template->cached->valid;

* creates a data object
* @param object $parent next higher level of Smarty variables
* @returns Smarty_Data data object
public function createData($parent = null)
return new Smarty_Data($parent, $this);

* Registers plugin to be used in templates
* @param string $type plugin type
* @param string $tag name of template tag
* @param callback $callback PHP callback to register
* @param boolean $cacheable if true (default) this fuction is cachable
* @param array $cache_attr caching attributes if any
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
* @throws SmartyException when the plugin tag is invalid
public function registerPlugin($type, $tag, $callback, $cacheable = true, $cache_attr = null)
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_plugins[$type][$tag])) {
throw new SmartyException("Plugin tag "{$tag}" already registered");
} elseif (!is_callable($callback)) {
throw new SmartyException("Plugin "{$tag}" not callable");
} else {
$this->smarty->registered_plugins[$type][$tag] = array($callback, (bool) $cacheable, (array) $cache_attr);

return $this;

* Unregister Plugin
* @param string $type of plugin
* @param string $tag name of plugin
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function unregisterPlugin($type, $tag)
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_plugins[$type][$tag])) {

return $this;

* Registers a resource to fetch a template
* @param string $type name of resource type
* @param Smarty_Resource|array $callback or instance of Smarty_Resource, or array of callbacks to handle resource (deprecated)
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function registerResource($type, $callback)
$this->smarty->registered_resources[$type] = $callback instanceof Smarty_Resource ? $callback : array($callback, false);
return $this;

* Unregisters a resource
* @param string $type name of resource type
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function unregisterResource($type)
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_resources[$type])) {

return $this;

* Registers a cache resource to cache a template's output
* @param string $type name of cache resource type
* @param Smarty_CacheResource $callback instance of Smarty_CacheResource to handle output caching
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function registerCacheResource($type, Smarty_CacheResource $callback)
$this->smarty->registered_cache_resources[$type] = $callback;
return $this;

* Unregisters a cache resource
* @param string $type name of cache resource type
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function unregisterCacheResource($type)
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_cache_resources[$type])) {

return $this;

* Registers object to be used in templates
* @param string $object name of template object
* @param object $object_impl the referenced PHP object to register
* @param array $allowed list of allowed methods (empty = all)
* @param boolean $smarty_args smarty argument format, else traditional
* @param array $block_methods list of block-methods
* @param array $block_functs list of methods that are block format
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
* @throws SmartyException if any of the methods in $allowed or $block_methods are invalid
public function registerObject($object_name, $object_impl, $allowed = array(), $smarty_args = true, $block_methods = array())
// test if allowed methodes callable
if (!empty($allowed)) {
foreach ((array) $allowed as $method) {
if (!is_callable(array($object_impl, $method))) {
throw new SmartyException("Undefined method '$method' in registered object");
// test if block methodes callable
if (!empty($block_methods)) {
foreach ((array) $block_methods as $method) {
if (!is_callable(array($object_impl, $method))) {
throw new SmartyException("Undefined method '$method' in registered object");
// register the object
$this->smarty->registered_objects[$object_name] =
array($object_impl, (array) $allowed, (boolean) $smarty_args, (array) $block_methods);
return $this;

* return a reference to a registered object
* @param string $name object name
* @return object
* @throws SmartyException if no such object is found
public function getRegisteredObject($name)
if (!isset($this->smarty->registered_objects[$name])) {
throw new SmartyException("'$name' is not a registered object");
if (!is_object($this->smarty->registered_objects[$name][0])) {
throw new SmartyException("registered '$name' is not an object");
return $this->smarty->registered_objects[$name][0];

* unregister an object
* @param string $name object name
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function unregisterObject($name)
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_objects[$name])) {

return $this;

* Registers static classes to be used in templates
* @param string $class name of template class
* @param string $class_impl the referenced PHP class to register
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
* @throws SmartyException if $class_impl does not refer to an existing class
public function registerClass($class_name, $class_impl)
// test if exists
if (!class_exists($class_impl)) {
throw new SmartyException("Undefined class '$class_impl' in register template class");
// register the class
$this->smarty->registered_classes[$class_name] = $class_impl;
return $this;

* Registers a default plugin handler
* @param callable $callback class/method name
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
* @throws SmartyException if $callback is not callable
public function registerDefaultPluginHandler($callback)
if (is_callable($callback)) {
$this->smarty->default_plugin_handler_func = $callback;
} else {
throw new SmartyException("Default plugin handler '$callback' not callable");

return $this;

* Registers a default template handler
* @param callable $callback class/method name
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
* @throws SmartyException if $callback is not callable
public function registerDefaultTemplateHandler($callback)
if (is_callable($callback)) {
$this->smarty->default_template_handler_func = $callback;
} else {
throw new SmartyException("Default template handler '$callback' not callable");

return $this;

* Registers a default template handler
* @param callable $callback class/method name
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
* @throws SmartyException if $callback is not callable
public function registerDefaultConfigHandler($callback)
if (is_callable($callback)) {
$this->smarty->default_config_handler_func = $callback;
} else {
throw new SmartyException("Default config handler '$callback' not callable");

return $this;

* Registers a filter function
* @param string $type filter type
* @param callback $callback
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function registerFilter($type, $callback)
$this->smarty->registered_filters[$type][$this->_get_filter_name($callback)] = $callback;
return $this;

* Unregisters a filter function
* @param string $type filter type
* @param callback $callback
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function unregisterFilter($type, $callback)
$name = $this->_get_filter_name($callback);
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_filters[$type][$name])) {

return $this;

* Return internal filter name
* @param callback $function_name
* @return string internal filter name
public function _get_filter_name($function_name)
if (is_array($function_name)) {
$_class_name = (is_object($function_name[0]) ?
get_class($function_name[0]) : $function_name[0]);
return $_class_name . '_' . $function_name[1];
} else {
return $function_name;

* load a filter of specified type and name
* @param string $type filter type
* @param string $name filter name
* @throws SmartyException if filter could not be loaded
public function loadFilter($type, $name)
$_plugin = "smarty_{$type}filter_{$name}";
$_filter_name = $_plugin;
if ($this->smarty->loadPlugin($_plugin)) {
if (class_exists($_plugin, false)) {
$_plugin = array($_plugin, 'execute');
if (is_callable($_plugin)) {
$this->smarty->registered_filters[$type][$_filter_name] = $_plugin;
return true;
throw new SmartyException("{$type}filter "{$name}" not callable");

* unload a filter of specified type and name
* @param string $type filter type
* @param string $name filter name
* @return Smarty_Internal_Templatebase current Smarty_Internal_Templatebase (or Smarty or Smarty_Internal_Template) instance for chaining
public function unloadFilter($type, $name)
$_filter_name = "smarty_{$type}filter_{$name}";
if (isset($this->smarty->registered_filters[$type][$_filter_name])) {
unset ($this->smarty->registered_filters[$type][$_filter_name]);

return $this;

* preg_replace callback to convert camelcase getter/setter to underscore property names
* @param string $match match string
* @return string replacemant
private function replaceCamelcase($match) {
return "_" . strtolower($match[1]);

* Handle unknown class methods
* @param string $name unknown method-name
* @param array $args argument array
public function __call($name, $args)
static $_prefixes = array('set' => true, 'get' => true);
static $_resolved_property_name = array();
static $_resolved_property_source = array();

// method of Smarty object?
if (method_exists($this->smarty, $name)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->smarty, $name), $args);
// see if this is a set/get for a property
$first3 = strtolower(substr($name, 0, 3));
if (isset($_prefixes[$first3]) && isset($name[3]) && $name[3] !== '_') {
if (isset($_resolved_property_name[$name])) {
$property_name = $_resolved_property_name[$name];
} else {
// try to keep case correct for future PHP 6.0 case-sensitive class methods
// lcfirst() not available < PHP 5.3.0, so improvise
$property_name = strtolower(substr($name, 3, 1)) . substr($name, 4);
// convert camel case to underscored name
$property_name = preg_replace_callback('/([A-Z])/', array($this,'replaceCamelcase'), $property_name);
$_resolved_property_name[$name] = $property_name;
if (isset($_resolved_property_source[$property_name])) {
$_is_this = $_resolved_property_source[$property_name];
} else {
$_is_this = null;
if (property_exists($this, $property_name)) {
$_is_this = true;
} else if (property_exists($this->smarty, $property_name)) {
$_is_this = false;
$_resolved_property_source[$property_name] = $_is_this;
if ($_is_this) {
if ($first3 == 'get')
return $this->$property_name;
return $this->$property_name = $args[0];
} else if ($_is_this === false) {
if ($first3 == 'get')
return $this->smarty->$property_name;
return $this->smarty->$property_name = $args[0];
} else {
throw new SmartyException("property '$property_name' does not exist.");
return false;
if ($name == 'Smarty') {
throw new SmartyException("PHP5 requires you to call __construct() instead of Smarty()");
// must be unknown
throw new SmartyException("Call of unknown method '$name'.");



Can someone please work out what I've done wrong? I don't even think I've touched this file...
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Old 01-15-2017, 05:53 PM
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Dinocanid Dinocanid is offline
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Whenever you see an error with the smarty template base, you do not need to open them since nothing is wrong with the files itself (assuming you never edited those files in the first place). You most likely installed the theme incorrectly.
1. Was the theme compatible with 1.3.4?
2. How did you install the theme? Did it come with instructions?
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:02 PM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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I thought that, I don't remember even touching that file haha.

1. Yes, this is the theme I used:
2. I followed the instructions on the above link.

Thanks for getting back to me! :)
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:18 PM
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I remember installing that theme once, so it should work. In your files, they should be set up like this:

Public_html --> templates --> bookstore (including all of the contents in it's folder)

Then did you go to the adminCP, click on add/install new theme, then add the theme name and folder? (It's case-sensitive, so don't use capital letters if there aren't any). Afterwards, you would go to the general site settings and change the default theme to bookstore.
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:25 PM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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Going to attempt it again. I have back up files.

Where I put theme folder, do I put /public_html/template/bookstore ? or just /bookstore
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:26 PM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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I attempted this again and it's showing the same message :/
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:40 PM
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Is it like this?:
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Old 01-15-2017, 06:45 PM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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Everything yes apart from the menu1 file and the pagination file are missing. Could you send me these files via email perhaps? I don't seem to have them D:

my email is
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Old 01-15-2017, 07:02 PM
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I sent them to you; not sure if it will make it work or not though.
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Old 01-15-2017, 07:08 PM
ffsharriet ffsharriet is offline
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I've added the files, it's still showing the same message :/
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